
Otsuma Nakano x WISH 早稲田大学国際学生寮とのコラボ・プログラムを実施

本校は、SGH(スーパーグローバルハイスクール)への取り組みを開始した2014年度から同じ中野にある早稲田大学国際学生寮(Waseda International Student House – WISH)の学生の皆さんと交流を続け、今年度で10年目を迎えます。その交流は、徐々に深まり、2018年からは早稲田の世界中からの学生の皆さんと議論を深める意見交換会を行っております。


ICE Break から始まって、「健康とその国の伝統食」、「テレワークと日本人は働きすぎか?」といったテーマで、早稲田大学で学ぶ世界からの学生と本校生徒が英語でディスカッションを重ね、お互いを知り、さらに課題解決に向かって協働して解決策を考えました。



私は、今回、初めてWaseda International Students Home に行き、早稲田大学生との交流をすることができました。私たちのグループのテーマは『テレワーク導入と日本人の「働きすぎ問題」解決の関連性』でした。様々な学部の学生がいらっしゃったので、テーマについて様々な専門の視点からの解決法や考え方を聞くことができて、とても良い経験でした。

This was my first time visiting the Waseda International Students Home and interacting with Waseda University students. Our group’s theme was “The relationship between the introduction of telework and solving the ‘overwork problem’ of Japanese people.” As there were students from various majors, it was a great experience for me to hear about solutions and ideas on the theme from various professional viewpoints. From this experience, I felt it is important to think with diversity in mind.



This time I participated in the WISH meeting, this is the first time I have done it by myself, and I felt kind of nervous that I couldn’t speak English. but, when we came into the room the university students welcomed us kindly. at the ice break, everyone looks so fun. In the discussion, we exchanged opinions, I feel like my way of thinking is expanding. thank you for the great time.


On January 16th, I participated in the program called WISH held by the ING club. We were given the opportunity to talk and discuss with international students from Waseda University at their dormitory in Nakano. Upon arriving at the dormitory, I was very nervous, but when we were sorted into our groups and had an ice break, I was able to have a lot of fun. We did a game called 2 truths and a lie, where we tell 3 things about ourselves but 1 of them should be a lie, and the rest of the people will try to guess the lie. The university students were very engaging and talkative, allowing us to be more relaxed and open to the conversation.

After that, we discussed two topics: the health status of Japanese food and healthcare services in Japan. I gained insight from hearing different perspectives which provided me with valuable knowledge on the issues. I also learned about the differences in healthcare services in various countries such as China, Thailand, Malaysia, and the US, which were interesting. Lastly, I was able to get some advice about college applications and the TOEFL and SAT, which was extremely helpful. Overall, I enjoyed talking with the students from Waseda and gained valuable knowledge and experience that I can carry forward in the future.


I participated in the WISH program, where I had the opportunity to interact with international students from Waseda University. During the program, we discussed two topics, the health status of nations through traditional cuisine and the healthcare services in Japan. These discussions provided me with valuable insights into the differences in health status and healthcare services across different countries. Additionally, I was able to ask about their TOEFL and SAT scores, which motivated me to study harder. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and had a great time.


We had an amazing opportunity to communicate with international students at Waseda. I served as the MC and organized the entire event. Although I was a bit nervous at first, I eventually succeeded in organizing the whole presentation, including an icebreaker and two discussion topics.

During our discussion, we talked about two topics. Firstly, we discussed the health status of the nation through traditional cuisine. We concluded that the traditional Japanese diet consists mainly of fresh and unprocessed food, with very few refined ingredients and sugar. Secondly, we talked about our satisfaction with healthcare services in Japan. We all agreed that Japan’s medical system is globally competitive. This is because Japan provides special care for disabilities, financial support for the elderly, and free medical care for minors.

It was a pleasant experience to listen to the international students sharing their personal experiences while living in foreign countries. I also received some valuable tips regarding my college applications.

