

本校は、スクールミッション「地球市民として、Society5.0における持続的なより良い社会の創造と自らの幸せを紡ぐことのできる人材の育成を目指す」ために、模擬国連にも特に力を入れています。 本校生徒の英語力と探究の学びが最大限に活かされるのが、この模擬国連です。


J2 Yさん





J2 Kさん 




高1 S さん



H1 Kさん

まず、RUMUNがはじまり最初に他校の生徒の英語力の高さに驚きました。自分と同じことを言っていても接続詞や言い回しで国連らしい丁寧な英語を使っている人が多かったように感じました。 それぞれの国が前で発言するときもただ話すだけでなく、間を開けたり、強調して話したりと相手に伝わりやすいように話し方の工夫をしている人がいて自分たちの発表の際も参考にしました。また、他校の人たちとグループを作りクローズを考えた時の周りの人の発想や注意深さがとても印象に残りました。完成したものを読んで完璧に思えたものにも討論の時に的確な指摘や足りない部分の疑問を言っている人がたくさんいて話し合いの時間には自分のクローズを何度も読み返し改善できる点はないか考えていました。



H1 Nさん

このような貴重な体験をすることが出来てとても良かったです。Zoomで同じトピックの人とClausesを考えるとき、上手く連携が取れなかったりやることがよくわかっていなかったりと大変なことが多かったです。私が英語を全然聞き取れなかったこともあり、informal debateで質問をしたり他国の人達と交流してClauseを作ることが出来なかったりと反省点が多くあるので次に機会がある時には今よりも英語の技術を上げることは勿論、もっと自国の下調べや自分たちが作ったClauseの根拠や理由などをはっきりとさせてから模擬国連に臨むことが出来れば良いと思いました。

H1 Mさん

私は今年RUMUNに初めて参加しました。まず驚いたのは参加していた人たちの英語力です。全員の参加者の前で堂々と自分の言いたいことを発表している姿にとても刺激を受けました 。休み時間には参加者同士英語で会話していたり、ネイティブの先生方と日本語と同じように英語を話していたりして自分も英語をもっと流暢に話せるようになりたい思うきっかけになりました。また、積極的に行動できなかったことが反省点です。初めての模擬国連と言うこともあり、雰囲気に圧倒されてしまった事にとても後悔が残っています!他の参加者の方がお互いに自分が考えた政策について話し合ったり、質問しあっている姿を見て刺激を受けました。今回の模擬国連は全体的に後悔が多く残る模擬国連でもあったので、次回機会があればリベンジしたいです。

H1 A さん 

今回、RUMUNに初めて参加して、最初はあまり模擬国連の雰囲気に慣れず、あまり他の国の担当の人たちとコミュニケーションをとることができなかったのですが、段々慣れていくことができ、他の学校の生徒と話したり、質問しあったりすることができました。また、今回他の学校の生徒たちのディベートやアメンドメントからとても良い刺激を受けることができたと思いました。さらに、今回の模擬国連で様々な国の今の現状や問題を知ることができてとても有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。 今後もこの経験を活かして今回よりも積極的に他の学校の生徒さんとコミュニケーションをとり、行動をしたいと思いました。

J2  Y

On December 16th and 17th, I took part in the Model United Nations organized by Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School. Even though it was my second time in MUN, I learned a lot and felt inspired by students from all over the country due to their assertiveness and communication skills.

Our group’s topic this time was about ”SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth,” and we worked on making amendments. On the first day morning, ambassadors formed groups to prepare for the conference. We summarized and corrected the clauses that each of them had written beforehand. Discussing our opinions freely with students from other schools helped me see things from a broader perspective. During the actual MUN conference, each country presented proposals for clauses that had mistakes or were hard to understand. When we wanted to share our proposals, we had to raise placards and speak into the mic in front of many ambassadors, which made me nervous.

However, by the second day, I got used to the environment and could express my opinion in front of many ambassadors. Also, many ambassadors pointed out suggestions for our country’s clauses, making us busy during the conference. Still, I felt a sense of accomplishment when I created a new clause with several ambassadors through negotiation. Additionally, I succeeded in delivering a speech at MUN and could share my country’s problems and policies with ambassadors from around the world.

The MUN this time was different from my previous experiences; it was more like the real United Nations. This allowed me to participate in discussions and negotiations as if I were the ambassador of my represented country. It was a lot of fun to interact with various people beyond my grade and school boundaries. Through this MUN, I became more eager to express my opinions actively and influence the discussions. I hope to use this experience as a stepping stone to further improve my skills.

J2   S

I participated Ritsumeikan Uji Model United Nations. We were France delegates and the theme was about SDGs. We worked on three SDGs goals and my bloc’s main topic was “Decent work and economic growth”.

What surprised me the most is the differences between Japanese and USA style MUN. I usually do Japanese style MUN in our school, but I felt the lack of stamina by keeping standing and no break times. But this type of MUN made me feel more curious about the theme. Also, I had to concentrate really hard to improve my MUN skills and to be more active. Many high school students are asking questions energetically and I want to be like them someday. Thank you to the teachers who supported this MUN.

H1 S 

I participated in RUMUN this year as I did last year, and I felt that my awareness and my way of thinking were very different from last year. Last year, I just focused on understanding the high-level conversations around me and getting a feel for the overall atmosphere as a participant. This year, although the format was a little different, I was able to understand the overall flow of the event and was able to actively speak up and fulfill my role.

I also think it was a good opportunity to interact with students from other schools. I usually use English with my classmates, but by actually speaking and negotiating in English with people from other schools during the Model United Nations, I was amazed by the level of English ability of others and felt that I should put more effort into my English skills.

Furthermore, by listening to the speeches of other pairs, I was able to learn new techniques, expressions, and sentence structures. On the other hand, I felt that I was not able to take the lead in discussions with the other pairs, and that I left things to others. I was able to express my own opinions, but I left it to others to organize and coordinate them. If I have the opportunity to participate in another Model United Nations again, I would like to take action so that I can take the lead in presenting my amendments.

I would like to continue to learn new things and be aware of different points each time I participate.

H1  N

First of all, I am very glad that I could such a valuable experience. There were many difficulties that I didn’t coordinate well and konw what to do when I was thinking about Clause with people pn the same topic in Zoom. I could not understand English at all, so I couldn’t ask question in informal debate and couldn’t interact with people from other countries and make a c lause. In the next time when  have the opportunity, I would like to improve my English skills, do more research on my country, and clarify the rational and reasons for the Clause I created before going to the MUN.

H1  A

At first, I could not get used to the system of MUN and could not communicate with people from other countries, but I gradually got used to it and was able to talk and ask questions to students from other schools.  I was also able to receive a lot of inspiration from the debates and amendments from the students of other schools. Furthermore, I had a very meaningful time learning about the current situation and problems in various countries through this MUN. If I have the opportunity to participate in such a Model United Nations next year, I would like to make use of this experience to communicate and make more action than I did this time.

