
海外短期研修_ニュージーランドセミナー2023 レポート

海外短期研修 – ニュージーランドセミナー 2023レポート


このプログラムは、本校の中学3年生を対象に行われるホームステイプログラム。1週間の英語集中プログラムで、英語力を磨いた後に、ニュージーランドの中等教育の学校で、バディと一緒にその学校の授業を受けます。 授業を受ける学校は、本校のターム、1年留学生も受け入れている留学提携校ですので、本格的な留学のプレprogramという体験ができるようになっています。   参加した中学3年生の生徒たちの声を英語で紹介します。

S.O(Sacred Heart Girls’ College)

I made friends with a lot of people today. Buddy and Buddy’s friends were very kind and had a very fun day.

S.Y(Sacred Heart Girls’ College)

It is very difficult for me to understand conversations and classes, because everyone very fast talking.  But many people helped me. I was so happy.

R.T(Inglewood High School)

Today, I did physical education for 2 hours. It was fun!!I had two hours of science. I didn’t understand what the teacher was saying. But Buddy kindly taught me. I had lunch at the time. It’s my favorite time in school.  After lunch, I did math. I was surprised at how easy it was.

S.T(Inglewood High School)

Today, I had Māori class period 3 and 4 Its hard to understand the Maori language. But when I got there we made a crossword. I thought we were going to learn the language. We finished period 3 and then for period 4 we had free time. I did drawing and play on the phones. And everyone did a Tik tok and played music. It is so much different than Japan. After school we did mini golf and I had takoyaki and curry rice for dinner. Tonight I will teach my host mum how to write her name on katakana and kanji.

H.Y(Inglewood High School)

So far, it has been a very interesting experience for me because I didn’t expect things to be so different from what we are used to in Japan. The school experience is also very different in terms of school rules and how classes and timetables work. The work we do in classes as well as what we do in between classes is very different from Japan and it is interesting to learn new things every day. I found some of the classes to be easier than the classes in Japan, and others to be harder and more difficult because of things such as language barriers and the contents of the class.

H.K(Inglewood High School)

P.E. was the same as Ms. Yoshimi and Ms. Ono and we play some volleyball. We learned how to play volleyball, and practiced, and have a match. We all follow each buddy’s class, and learn such as climate and space. In music, I learned how to use the bass guitar and formed a band. I was in charge of bass. The Live will be held after I return. During morning tea and lunch, Tsumanaka student get gather at the gym’s spectator seats and eat while reporting about the class and discussing.  We had a party at 5 period with buddies.We ate and drink some NZ food during playing games. That was really awesome time.

本校のニュージーランド留学プログラムのコーディネイター&ガーディアンである Teffrey Suzki 先生からの今回のニュージーランド短期留学の締めくくりのメッセージも合わせて、紹介します!

Hello, all,

Nine healthy, happy Otsuma Nakano students have departed from Auckland without any problems.  This group was particularly impressive, and they were great representatives of Otsuma Nakano.  They can be proud of themselves.

Thank you all once again for the opportunity to be part of Otsuma’s Global team.  I proudly represent your school and will always take care of your students and staff personally.  It is a like a big family.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer vacation.  Stay cool

Kindest regards,

