
From Ireland & Canada – Study Abroad Reports

特色ある留学プログラムが大妻中野の教育の特徴の一つです。Easterのイベントも体験し、北米、ヨーロッパに留学中の生徒たちにとって、学年の終わり =  留学生活の終盤、留学のファイナルに向かう時になりました。そんな留学生からの留学レポートをどうぞ。

Unique study abroad programs are one of the hallmarks of an Otsuma-Nakano education. Easter events have been experienced, and for students studying abroad in North America and Europe, the school year is coming to an end and graduation is approaching. With only a few days left of their study abroad experience, they are finally heading towards the finals of their study abroad experience. Please take a look at our Study Abroad Report.

From Bray in Ireland ,

Hi everyone! I’m K.H. and I’m staying in Ireland for 8 months. I’ve thought that I have more time to stay here, but I’m surprised there is only 1 month left.  This time, I’ll talk about Easter Holiday.

This holiday was for two weeks, and we celebrated Easter. In Japan, we don’t really celebrate it, but in here it’s a big celebration.  On the first Friday, I walked the beach between Killiney and Bray with my host mother and her daughter. Killiney is two stations away from Bray and distance is about 7km. The beach was rocky, so my feet were sore. But I could talk a lot with them so that was great fun!

On the next Wednesday, I had the biggest event in this holiday. I went to Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. There is known for World Natural Heritage Sight. It lies at the foot of the basalt cliffs along the seacoast on the edge of the Antrim plateau. It is made up of 40,000 massive black basalt columns sticking out of the sea. The magnificent sight has inspired legends of giants striding over the sea to Scotland. All stone pillars’ surfaces are hexagonal. I was surprised that it was made by nature because it looks artificial. That was such a beautiful sight! I’ve wanted to go there since before I came to Ireland, so I’m happy that I saw those with my own eyes.  If you have chance to come to Ireland, you should visit there at least once. I’ll definitely go back there with my family someday.

After Easter Holiday, time is passing much faster. So, I’ll do what I should do, and I want to go back Japan without regretting anything.  Thank you for reading. See you soon!

皆さんこんにちは!アイルランドに8か月滞在しているK.Hです。もう少し帰国するまでに時間があると思っていましたが、もう1か月しか残っていないことにとても驚きました。 今回は、イースターホリデーについてお話ししようと思います。




From Canada,

Hi, everyone, I am R.S studying in Canada. The tree in the road has cherry blossoms beginning of April. There are not many cheery trees. The temperate of the first 10 days of the month was quite cold. But now is a great feeling.

On April 15th I did volunteer work for Sakura Days Japan Fair. This festival was held to let people enjoy Japanese culture and food. Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, Ramen, Yakitori  and more were sold at there. I ate crepe a long time it’s delicious. Next, I’ll talk about my job. The content is to sort the garbage that customers throw away and teach people who do not know where to throw it away. It’s hard because it’s a rainy day! My clothes were wet. The good thing was we had a Japanese bento.

I’m studying Physics in science class. I am not so good at physics, but now that I had a class in English, I am even worse at it. But I was relieved when the teacher said that the test will be done in groups. I think that doesn’t happen in Japan.

I’m surprised I only have two more months to study here! I’m worried about studying after I get back. Thank you for reading!




From Canada – more reports you can see as follows:

From Canada_Report on Study Abroad

