
From Ireland & Canada 留学レポート Christmas is on the corner!   

From Ireland & Canada – 留学レポート  Christmas is on the corner!


From Bray in Ireland,

Hello everyone! My name is K.H. I’m staying Bray in Ireland. Three months have passed since I arrived in Ireland, and at the same time, I have about six months left in my study abroad program. The temperature is getting completely low so, I absolutely need gloves and scarf when I go to outside. Furthermore, it suddenly gets dark around 5 p.m., so I feel the arrival of winter on a daily basis.   Christmas decorations are gradually being put up, and I am looking forward to the day of the event. This time I’ll talk about thing that happened in my school also.

The first thing is about class. In the Transition Year (TY) in which I am enrolled, there is a system called “module,” which allows students to experience a variety of subjects by changing the subjects they take each period. One class started from middle of this month; it’s called “Outdoor education.” In the first class, we went to go to Killiney Hill it’s in near our school, and we answered questions. For example, the number of steps, the name of mountain that we can see it from the top and so on. In Japan, basically we are sitting down during the class, and we don’t go to outside that time, so it was very fun. In the next class, we will go to walk to the next station so I’m looking forward to it.

After taking classes here for several months, the emphasis is on “seeing, feeling, and thinking for oneself.” Of course, the students often ask questions to teachers, we often do group work and experiments, so there are many opportunities to have fun and have my thought. It is important to acquire knowledge but also it is very important to learn through actual experience, I think.

The second thing is about Musical. In my school, we will have musical on the end of January by TY students. I don’t have a single line, but I have to sing and dance with the other students.    It’s not difficult to learn dance, but it’s difficult to learn songs because I need to sing it by English and exact note. So, I’m struggling a bit. I’ve done plays before, but I’ve never done a musical. There are a lot of difficulties, but I also like singing and dancing so, I’m enjoying participating in rehearsals. At first, I couldn’t hear the teacher’s instructions at all and couldn’t move smoothly, but recently I have gradually come to understand them, and I feel that I have grown a little. I would like to continue to actively participate in practice and do my best to make it a success.

I can’t say that everything are goings well, I can’t say that everything is going well regarding my current life, but I am having a fulfilling life, making new friends, and getting along well with my teachers.

I would like to continue to have fun every day, while also remembering to make an effort.  See you next time!  Thank you so much for reading.

皆さんこんにちは!アイルランドに留学中のK.H.です。私がアイルランドに来て3か月が経ったのと同時に、私の留学生活もあと約半年となりました。すっかり気温も低くなってきて、外に出るときには手袋とマフラーは欠かせません。さらに、17:00頃には急にあたりが暗くなるので、冬の訪れを日ごろから感じています。  クリスマスの飾りつけも徐々に始まっており、今から当日が楽しみです。 今回も学校に事について2つほどお話していきたいと思います。

1つ目は授業についてです。わたしが所属しているトランジションイヤー(TY)という学年では、モジュールという制度があり期間ごとに受ける教科が変わり、色々な科目を体験することが出来ます。その中でアウトドアエデュケーションというものが今月から始まりました。最初の授業は、近くにあるKilliney Hill というところに実際に歩いて行って、階段の数や頂上から見える山の名前などの何個かの質問に答えていくという内容でした。日本では座って授業を受けるのが基本で、この授業のように学校の外まで歩くという授業は体験したことがなかったのでとても楽しかったです。次週からも、隣の駅まで歩いたりするそうなのでとても楽しみです。



先生の指示も最初は全く聞き取れなくてスムーズに動けなかったけれど、最近はだんだん理解できるようになってきたので、少し成長を実感できています。これからも積極的に練習に参加して、成功させることが出来るように頑張りたいです。 今の生活に関してすべてうまくいっていると言えるわけではありませんが、新しい友達が出来たり、先生と仲良くなれたりして、充実した生活を送ることが出来ています。

これからも日々楽しみながら、努力することも忘れずに過ごしていきたいと思います。 それでは、またお会いしましょう。ご清覧ありがとうございました。

From Burnaby, Canada,

Hi everyone!! My name is S.H and I have been studying in Burnaby, Canada for three months now. Just when I thought autumn had arrived, the temperature has suddenly dropped and snow has began to fall. I think it is getting colder and colder in Japan, but in Canada it is already as cold as January in Japan. It is hard to believe that it is November, but I am doing my best every day.

Semester 1 is coming to an end soon in my school. Compared to the first semester, the amount of assignments and tests has increased, so I often go to the library on weekends and after school to study with my friends. One of my favorite things to do is to go the café where my friend works part time and study until dinner time. There are many cafes in Canada that sever delicious breads and sweets, so I would like to go more cafes.

My host family has two small children, I often play with them because they are so sweetly  ask me “Can you play with me later?”,  so I am very happy that we have gotten to know each other so well that I think we are talk and play together  the most these days. They come up to me when I am eating and give me hugs before they leave, which is the most comforting thing for me.

On Sunday the 6 the around noon, I looked outside and saw a lot of snow. I was surprised because I didn’t  expect it to fall so early, but the next morning the whole landscape was covered with snow and it was beautiful. It seems that it has only been snowing occasionally recently, and we have not yet entered the full snow season. Also, I live in a relatively rural area, so the air is clean and fresh, the sky is very beautiful and I can see the moon well. I often take pictures of the sky.

The month, I went to the party for a friend’s birthday. We bought a lot of snacks and ate a lot of dinner, so we are always full on the day of the birthday party. I also have regular gatherings of relatives at home, and this month we had Serbian food because my host family is from Serbia. The food was very delicious, and while we were eating, there are many languages spoken, including English, Spanish, Serbian, and German, which made me feel multinational once again.

EMS, the system to send packaged from Japan to Canada, was temporarily out of service due to the COVID-9, but it was restored and my parents sent me snacks and clothes. It was the first time for me to receive, so I was happy and a little sad. At the end of the month, there was a Black Friday sale, which I think is also held in Japan, so I went to an outlet store in Richmond and sis some shopping. The whole place was decorated in Christmas style, which was wonderful.

Three months have passed since I came to Canada, I feel the tremendous speed of time when I think that one third of this study abroad program is over. Sometimes I want to go back to Japan, but sometimes I don’t want to go back because I am having a good time with my friends I met in Canada. I would like to challenge many things by myself and gain experiences from next month.

Thank you very much for your attention!! See u next month!!

みなさんこんにちは!カナダのバーナビー州に留学して3ヶ月が経ちました,S.Hです。  紅葉の季節,秋がきたと思っていたら急激に気温が下がり雪も降るようになってきました。  日本もだんだん寒くなってきていると思いますが,カナダはもう日本の1月並みの寒さです。 11月とは思えない寒さですが毎日頑張っています。







来月からも自分からたくさんのことに挑戦し,経験を積んでいきたいです。 ご清覧ありがとうございました。また来月お会いしましょう!!

