
From Ireland & Canada – Happy Halloween Study Abroad Reports②


Study Abroad  – One of our the features of Otsuma Nakano!  October Study Abroad Reports about Halloween reached us from Ireland and Canada, and would like to introduce them to you.  Learning directly from experiencing the world with your own eyes and emotion matters. Otsuma-Nakano students share with us their experiences as global citizens.

From Bray in Ireland

Hello everyone! My name is K.H and I’m studying abroad in Ireland.  Time flies, and before I know it, two months have already passed since I arrived in Ireland.  At first, I was very anxious about my life as an exchange student, but I am gradually getting used to it and am having a good time these days.   Fortunately, my school often go some places and to attend events. So, we can enjoy not only studying but also a lot of activity. This time I’m going to talk about three things.

The first is about trip. I went to four days and three nights in west side in the end of September. The name of place is Achill. This is a very large natural area, and I was surprised to see horses, sheep, and cows very close by, as there are very few places in Japan where these animals are allowed to roam free.

On the second day, I went to cycling. I pedaled an unfamiliar bicycle for four hours there and back, so when I returned to my lodgings, my legs were in more pain than I had ever experienced before, and I couldn’t walk. However, when I arrived at my destination, I was very happy with my lunch and the fact that my teacher bought me some chocolates.

On the third day, I went surfing. I have never done surfing, so it was very difficult. In the end I only made it as far as standing on my knees, but once I put my surfboard down and swam in the sea, it was cold but great fun. This day was last night, so we did dance and singing and had a blast.

On the fourth day, I went surfing again. I put down my surfboard early and just swam, but It was a nice day, so it was pleasant. I think I learnt a lot even while I was enjoying myself throughout these four days. In fact, after returning from the trip I felt that my English skills improved a little and I was able to get to know my friends around me better.

The second is about going to see a play called “My fair lady”.  Eliza is a young girl selling flowers in the harbor at night in downtown London. Professor Henry Higgins happened to be passing by and overheard her terrible accent. He assured her that she would learn to speak correctly and elaborate as a lady. This is the synopsis of the story. It is a little difficult to understand English, but the singing and dancing was amazing, and I fell in love with it. I want to go to see it again if I have a chance.

The third is about Halloween. Did you know that Ireland is the birthplace of Halloween? Therefore, Halloween was celebrated at the school. Students were able to go to school in costume on this day, and at the end of the day there was a fashion show, which was so much fun.

It has only been two months since I came to Ireland, but I am really glad that I came to study here because I can feel my own growth as well as my English skills.  I still have a long way to go, but I will do my best.  See you next month.  Thank you very much for your kind attention.


1つ目は、旅行についてです。私は9月の末に西側にあるAchillというところに3泊4日で行ってきました。 ここは、とても大きな自然が広がっていて、馬や羊、牛などもとても近くで見られて、日本ではこれらの動物が放し飼いにされているところは少ないのでびっくりしました。


3日目には、サーフィンをしました。私はサーフィンを今まで一度もやったことがなかったのでとても難しかったです。結局膝で立つところまでしかできませんでしたが、一旦サーフボードを置いて海を泳いだ時は寒かったけれどとても楽しかったです。 この日は最後の夜だったので、夕飯の後にみんなで歌ったり踊ったりの大騒ぎでした。

4日目には再びサーフィンをしました。この日は早々にサーフボードを置いてほとんど泳いでいるだけでしたが、良い天気だったのでとても気持ち良かったです。 この4日間を通して楽しんでいる中でも学べたことが沢山あったと思います。実際、この旅行から帰ってきた後は少し英語の実力が上がったように感じたし、周りの友達との仲も深めることが出来ました。

2つ目は「My fair lady」という劇を見に行ったことについてです。ロンドンの下町、夜の港で花を売っていた少女イライザ。そこへたまたま通りがかったヘンリー・ヒギンズ教授は彼女の余りにもひどい訛りを耳にする。そして彼は正しい発声と淑女としての行儀を彼女に身に着けさせると断言したのだった。というのがこの物語のあらすじです。もちろんすべて英語だったので理解をするのが難しかったですが、歌とダンスが素晴らしく見惚れてしまいました。もし機会があったらもう一度見に行ってみたいです。

3つ目はハロウィンについてです。実は、アイルランドはハロウィン発祥の地というのを皆さんは知っていましたか?そのため、学校でもハロウィンを祝うイベントが行われました。  この日は仮装して学校に行くことが出来、その日の最後にはファッションショーが行われとても楽しい時間を過ごすことが出来ました。

私がアイルランドに来てたったの2か月ではありますが、英語力はもちろん自身の成長も感じることが出来ているので、本当に留学に来られて良かったと思っています。これからもまだまだ先は長いですが頑張っていきたいです。また来月お会いしましょう。  ご清覧ありがとうございました。

From Burnaby, Canada

Hi, everyone!! My name is S.H and I have been studying in Burnaby, Canada for two months now.   I have gotten used to life in Canada, and while I struggle with classes, assignments, and tests on school days, I also go out with friends and host family on weekends and holidays.   Here is my report for October.

First of all, at the beginning of October, I participated in a volunteer club activity. I went to a church near my school and prepared a dinner party for refugee children and their family. It was a long activity from morning to evening, setting up the venue, decorating, etc. It was a bit hard work in some aspects, but I enjoyed working together with the club members to create the event. During the breaks, I had a chance to talk a lot with my foreign friends and interact with the locals, and it was a very fulfilling day. Working directly with refugee children is an experience that is hard to come by in Japan, so it was very valuable.

In October, we have the Thanksgiving Day in Canada. On this day, we had a party with host families and their relatives, I ate a turkey for the first time. I also had mashed potatoes, berries, and gravy, which is a culture that we do not have in Japan. It was the first time in a long time to have a big family reunion, and we had a lot of fun talking and playing with the children, The event was also held in my school, where I volunteered again. It was a wonderful day spent with family and friends, and other important people.

Now let me tell you about my favorite class. I take an art class during third period. I like the fact that I can freely create my own assignments as I like, because we place importance on expressing ourselves, rather than just doing a set assignment. For the first assignment, I made a luggage tag to express myself. Since each students are different in nationality, culture, and favorite things, it was fun to appreciate their individuality. Recently, since Halloween is coming up, I made skeleton called Dead Sugar Skull and pottery. Another favorite point of mine is that there are assignments and other activities that go along with events

I am very happy that I am able to go out to many places and have many experiences because I am getting used to school and life here. It has been rainy season in Vancouver. The temple azure suddenly drops and it is depressing to get up in the morning, but I will do my best from next month without being defeated such coldness. Thank you very much for your reading!!




では次に私のお気に入りの授業についてお話しします。私は三限目に美術の授業をとっています。普通に決められた課題をするのではなく自分自身でs自分を表現するということを大事にしているので好きなように、自由に課題を作れるのが私の好きなところです。1番初めの課題では、自分を表現するラゲッジタグを作りました。国籍、文化、好きなものが生徒一人一人違うため、個性が出ていて鑑賞するのも楽しかったです。最近はハロウィンが近いため、Dead Sugar Skullという骸骨や陶器を作ったりしました。行事に沿った課題が出るのも私のお気に入りポイントです。


