
チャーチル杯全国高等学校生英語弁論大会 – 東日本大会_本校から3名が出場!

チャーチル杯全国高等学校生英語弁論大会 – 東日本大会ファイナルに本校から3名が出場!

The 71st Churchill Trophy East Japan Elimination at Aoyama Gakuin University –  In this year’s competition for the East Japan Elimination,  3 out of all selected 12 finalists are students from Otsuma Nakano and they gave their best try to the competition!


今年のこの東日本大会本選には12名のスピーカーが選ばれ、出場しました。その12名のファイナリストのうち、3名が本校から出場した生徒です。高校2年のグリーン芽愛梨さん、鶴田若奈さん、 横江莉世さんです。さらに、10月1日、青山学院大学で行われた東日本大会で、鶴田若奈さんが第3位となり、関西学院大学で行われる全日本決勝へ出場します!

英語スピーキング、プレゼンテーションを積極的に授業やスクールイベントに取り入れているのが、大妻中野の特徴です。毎年、校内でも英語プレゼンテーションコンテストを行っています。 英語でメッセージを効果的に伝えるスキルと情熱のマインドをこのチャーチル杯で存分に発揮してくれました。関西学院大学でのファイナルで全国の更なる高みを目指します!


“Kites rise highest against the wind – not with it.”   –  Sir Winston Churchill

The following is a comment by Ms. Jihan Victoria, an Otsuma Nakano facilitation teacher.

Meari Green, Wakana Tsuruta, and Rise Yokoe put in so much time and effort in order to make it this far, and they really represented our school well during the Churchill Trophy competition on October 1st.

Rewriting their drafts multiple times and having other people read and evaluate them were key components to writing the final drafts that got them as far as they did. So for future participants, start early and have people critique your work! You have so many resources in Otsuma Nakano, e.g. teachers and the Global Tutors. We also now have three students who have undergone the process currently in our school, and they have valuable information and tips only the contestants would know.

I am sure that they would be more than happy to talk and give future participants advice.  Make use of our school’s unique assets!

Here is Wakana Tsuruta, 3rd prize winner’s comments:

I didn’t expect to win this competition since this was my first time joining any kind of speech contest. After being called as the third place winner, I was very surprised and happy at the same time. I appreciate every single person who supported me.





