
From Ireland – New Study Abroad アイルランド留学 レポート!



From Bray in Ireland –  One Year Study Abroad Report from Ireland –



こんにちは!アイルランドのダブリンに留学中のK.Hです。 皆さんは留学に対してどんなイメージを持っていますか?外国って怖いとか、家族や友達から離れて暮らすなんて不安しかないというイメージがある方が多いと思います。実際、このように感じることも多々あります。しかし、まだ一か月しか滞在していない私でも、楽しいことをたくさん経験しています。 今回は、そんな私の体験とその時の心情に関してお話していこうと思います。

Hi everyone! I’m K.H. I am staying Bray in Ireland.  First, I’m going to talk about Ireland and Bray, where I am now living.  Ireland is very small island as much as Hokkaido and also, as you all know, Dublin is the capital city. We can enjoy shopping here, but there the atmosphere is completely different from Tokyo. And it is very beautiful!  In Bray, we can see beautiful sea and we can climb up to mountains.

Next, I’ll talk about my experiences and emotions about living in Ireland.  When I arrived at the airport, I didn’t really feel that I had arrived in Ireland, but when I arrived at my host family’s house, I realized a little more that I was going to spend a year here.  My host mother and sister were very kind, and I could enjoy the first dinner. But I went back to my room, I felt irresistibly lonely and missed my family. From there I cried a lot, especially during the week before school started.

A week later, my school started finally. On the first day, I didn’t know anything about school and didn’t even know what I should do now. And then I went to school the next day with a lot of anxiety and concerns. When I went to school, one of my classmates approached me and put me straight into her group. So, now there are often four of us. They are always looking out for me and if I don’t understand, they always teach me carefully. They listen patiently even to my poor English, and now I enjoy school very much. The teachers are also very kind.

During my study abroad, my biggest concern was whether I would get along with people around me, so I am super happy and glad that I met so many nice people from the beginning of my stay.  I still can’t talk to other my classmates by myself, but I would like to be able to talk to more students and people in the future.

I am currently in a grade called “Transition Year. In this grade, I can do many activities besides studying. I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to try many different things.  Furthermore, I am very much looking forward to Halloween and Christmas events in Ireland, which I think will be grander than in Japan.

There are still many things I cannot write about here, so I hope you are looking forward to next month’s report. So, I will see you soon!





まだまだここには書ききれないことがたくさんあるので、来月のレポートを楽しみにしていてもらえたら嬉しいです。 それでは、またお会いしましょう。

