
From Australia – Report on Study in Australia

From Australia –  Report on a Short Study Abroad Program in Australia –


I am  Y. S.,  a third year student of Otsuma Nakano Junior High School.   My trip to Australia was full of unforgettable memories with many people including the students I spent with at Concordia high school and my homestay family. Moreover, I got to know the culture and the customs in Australia during my stay, which were very different from Japan, and I felt that the differences were really interesting.

For the first five days I stayed in a dormitory with an Australian student and my Japanese friend in Toowoomba. While talking with the students in Concordia high school, I learned that most of their families had farms and pets. Some of them said they had sixty horses or ten dogs, and some said they had vegetable gardens and fruit trees as well. The students and teachers were friendly and easy to talk to. I also learned about the Australian flag and the culture of Aboriginal people including the dot paintings, that was fascinating.

The following four days I stayed with an Australian family in Gold Coast. I had a wonderful and exciting time with my homestay family with my Japanese friend. We went hiking, and even saw fireflies and several types of birds. The view of the waterfall and mountains was absolutely stunning at the hike. In addition, my friend and I enjoyed surfing for the first time at the beach. In the host family’s garden, we gave pieces of expired egg quiche to the kookaburras, a native bird in Australia. I loved spending my leisure time watching the wild birds from the deck and shared my passion for birds with the host parents. I saw king parrots, red-tailed black cockatoos, white cockatoos, butcher birds, bush turkeys, lorikeets, white ibis, as well as kookaburras. It was incredible for me to see such beautiful birds during my stay with the host family. I even got to see a red-tailed black cockatoo, which is extremely rare.

This summer I had a wonderful experience in Australia, talking about animals with the Concordia students and observing a large number of species of birds at the host family’s place. The only regret is that I couldn’t see a wild kangaroo or wallaby or a koala in Australia. I hope to see them in my future trip.   Thanks for reading my report on Australia.



後半の4日間はゴールド・コーストでオーストラリアのホストファミリーと日本人の友達と楽しい日々を過ごしました。私たちは、ハイキングに行ったり、蛍や様々な野鳥を見たりしました。 ハイキングでは滝と山の景色が絶好でした。また、私と私の友達は初めてのサーフィンをビーチで体験しました。ホストファミリーのデッキでは、ワライカワセミというオーストラリアの野鳥に、消費期限のきれた卵料理の切れ端などもあげました。時間があるときは、デッキで野鳥を見たりホストファミリーの人たちと鳥について語ったりするのがとても好きでした。キンショウジョウインコ、アカオクロオウム、タイハクオウム、もず、ヤブツカツクリ、ヒインコ、白いトキやワライカワセミなどたくさんの野鳥を見ることができました。ホストファミリーにいる間にたくさんの魅力的な鳥たちを見ることは素晴らしい体験です。特に、アカオクロオウムはとても珍しい鳥だったので見られて嬉しかったです。

