
From the UK – Report on Study in Cheltenham

From the UK –  Report on a Short Study Abroad Program in Cheltenham –

夏休みの短期留学プログラムが続々と再開しています。アメリカでのトビタテ!留学JAPAN アカデミックショートに続いて、イギリス、チェルトナムでの短期留学レポートを紹介します!

Hello,  I’m K. O, a Year 9 student of Otsuma Nakano.  This summer,  I have been staying with my host family for 2 weeks in Cheltenham, Cotswolds, England, which is about 2.5 hours by bus from London for a two-week home-stay program. I would like to introduce my short stay in England to you.

I attended a language school, Gloucestershire College, in the mornings. The classes were leveled by a placement test on the first day, and in my class there were Omanis and Koreans in addition to Japanese students. In the morning, we studied grammar through speaking in the first class, which was quite different from the way we study English in Japan.   In the second class, we had a quota for the week and worked in groups toward that. The first week was to create a magazine about Cheltenham. Our group created a magazine about the history of Cheltenham and won the first place! The second week is performance. Each group put on a play, sang a song, and did a traditional dance. The performance was humorous and interesting.   The picture is my college.

The afternoon activities were also very fulfilling and included sightseeing, sports, BBQ parties, crazy golf (which I have never heard of in Japan) with tricks on the course, and team building where we made pitchforks and competed with each other for distance.

There were also Spanish and Italian girls staying with my host family. Unlike in Japan, where breakfast changes from Japanese style to Western style every day, in England we eat the same menu every morning. The meal was mainly potato. Sunset was around 9:00 p.m., so it was bright outside even at night.

These two weeks were the most intense time in my life. Every day was full of surprises and new discoveries, and the many interactions I had with people from other countries made me realize anew how interesting it is to have differences. I learned to communicate in English without worrying about whether or not it is correct. The experience of having my English understood gave me confidence, and the experience of not being able to say what I wanted to say gave me the motivation to keep trying to improve my English.

The picture above is a traditional English cream tea experience. The picture below is of Bibury, which is said to be the most beautiful place in England.  Thank you very much for reading my short-term study abroad report.

皆さん、こんにちは。 大妻中野中学校3年のK.O.です。私は、この夏休みにイギリス、コッツウォルズ地方のチェルトナムというロンドンからバスで2時間半ほどのところに2週間のホームステイ留学をしてきました。私のイギリス短期留学について皆さんに紹介します。




この2週間は私の人生の中で一番濃密な時間でした。毎日が驚きと新たな発見に溢れていて、他国の人との関わりもたくさんあったことで違いがあることの面白さに改めて気付かされました。 英語力についても正しいかどうかを気にせずに伝えようとする姿勢が身につきました。また私の英語が伝わった経験が自信につながり、こう言いたかったけど言えなかった経験が英語をこれからも頑張ろうという原動力になってくれました。

写真は一枚目はイギリスの伝統、クリームティーを体験したときの写真です。  次の写真はカレッジです。 最後は、イギリスで一番美しいと言われているバイブリーです。 私の短期留学レポートを読んでいただき、ありがとうございました。

