
From San Diego, USA -トビタテ!留学JAPAN 再開_本校トビタテ!留学レポート

From San Diego, USA – トビタテ!留学JAPAN  再開 !   本校生徒のトビタテ!留学レポート



今年、2022年夏休み、本校トビタテ!第7期生の高校2年生 R. I. さんが念願のトビタテ!留学アカデミックショートにチャレンジしています。アメリカ、サンディエゴでのダンス・ミュージカルに取り組む留学です。そのトビタテ!留学レポートが届きましたので、紹介します。


Tobitate! Young Ambassadors’ Scholarship Program powered by MEXT, which has been aspiring young people to study abroad since 2014, resumes now.  Otsuma Nakano has actively supported our students to take up the challenge of studying abroad under the Tobitate! Study Abroad in Japan. Since then, Otsuma Nakano students have been selected every year for the Tobitate! Study Abroad program.

Although, since 2020 due to COVID-19, study abroad has been difficult, our students resumed the challenge of participating in the Tobitate! program.  And then, at last, the 7th Generation of Tobitate students has just taken off now.

R. I, a junior of Otsuma Nakano has kicked off her study abroad program in U.S.A as one of the 7th generation students of Tobitate! She is studying abroad in San Diego, U.S.A., working on dance and musicals. We have received a report from R. I. on his study abroad experience in San Diego, U.S.A. .

Otsuma Nakano’s challenge to study abroad continues as inheriting the global spirit of Otsuma Nakano.  We has never stopped connecting with the world even after COVID -19.

From San Diego, USA,

Hi!  I’m R.I. , a junior students of And I’m studying abroad in San Diego, USA, as a member of Tobitate! Young Ambassadors’ Scholarship Program powered by MEXT.  I am attending Chula Vista High school in San Diego as an international student.   The purpose of my study abroad program is to experience musical and drama acting in American ways.  The school is an arts-focused school where students can do whatever they want.

At this school of Chula Vista,  I am taking classes with a local partner.  There is no HR class, so it is not easy for me to talk to them. However, when I tried to be brave enough to talk to them, I found them all very friendly.  Along with that,  some people are highly interested in Japan.

In the acting class, I learned a lot of things such as how to stand on stage, how to vocalize, and how to memorize lines. My study abroad period is only 3 weeks,  but I will do my best with no regrets and with the awareness that I am a Tobitate Representative student of Japan.

Thanks for your reading my report!

こんにちは! 私はトビタテ留学JAPAN アカデミックショートプログラムで日本代表生として、アメリカのサンディエゴに留学しているR.Iです。 私は演劇を学びに行くというテーマで留学計画を立て、トビタテ!留学JAPANの第7期生として採用・合格をもらいました。そのテーマで、こちらのチュラビスタハイスクールという所に通っています。その学校は芸術に特化した学校で生徒は自分たちがやりたいことを何でもできます。

私は現地のパートナーの子と一緒に授業を受けています。ホームルームクラスが無いため、現地の子に自分から話しかけ、友人を作るのも苦労はしましたが、勇気を出して自分からの話しかけてみるとみんなとてもフレンドリーでした。そして日本に興味を持ってくれる人もいました。 自分から行動し、チャレンジすることが大切だと痛感しています。


大妻中野高等学校2年 GLCグローバル・リーダーズ・クラス R. I.

