
From America & Canada – Final Study Abroad Report 3


This is the part 3 of the final report on the one-year study abroad programs. Each has completed their study abroad programs with various thoughts and feelings, and now it is time to think about how we will make the most of this experience in our future lives. Please read on from the students from the U.S. and Canada.

From Oregon,  America.

Hello. I’m M.C. I’m studying at Westside Christian High School for a year. It’s my last exchange report and I’m going to miss this. Today, I’ll talk about my final exam, spring sports awards and my last day of school.

First, I will talk about my final exam. I think I was able to study more systematically than last time. As usual, chemistry and world history were difficult. Especially world history. There is a project and exam for final grade, so I was so nervous because I didn’t have confidence for the presentation. In the world history exam, I had to read many sentences using big words so it was hard for me. But it was definitely good practice for me, because I searched for the meanings and used them for my answers. Sometimes, when it came to choose questions, the answers were not the same as the ones I had prepared. It made me confused. However, I was able to answer the questions by remembering what the teacher had said in class. At that time, I deeply felt the importance of listening to the class.

Second, I will talk about spring awards. At this event, team members and coaches of the school’s sports clubs from the spring gather to give each other awards and receive certificates. Before that celebration, I enjoyed hanging out with my friends who played tennis and having pizza and cake with them before this award. I’ve joined the track and field team, so I went to the Track and Field’s sports award. It was an amazing time, because I was able to celebrate my team members. Our team is larger than most spring sports, so this event, which should have ended at 7:00, dragged on until 9:00. It was a normal Tuesday, so I have good memories of having a little difficulty getting up the next morning.

Finally, I will talk about my last day of school. It was a busy day, some people received awards, listening to senior chapel, lunch, yearbook pickup, and outside recreation. My favorite section was yearbook pick up. I wrote some messages into my friend’s yearbook, and I got some messages into my yearbook too. It was so much fun, and a great time. Those messages are going to be my treasure. I really like the yearbook system, so I wish Japanese schools would have a yearbook system. At the senior Chapel, I was able to hear many stories about seniors’ experiences. I learned a lot from many seniors who spoke from perspectives I had never considered. By the way, lunch was free Mexican food. And it was so good. I hadn’t really eaten Mexican food, because I didn’t know what Mexican food was. But I am so glad I had an opportunity to try Mexican food, because it was awesome.

Thank you for reading my exchange report. I am so happy to share my experiences with you guys. Have a nice summer!!

こんにちは。ウエストサイドクリスチャンハイスクールで1年間、留学して勉強しているM.C.です。最後の交流レポートで、寂しくなりますね。 このレポートでは、Final exam、 spring sports awards、last day of schoolについて話します。

まず、私のFinal examについて話します。前回よりも計画的に勉強できたと思いますが、相変わらず化学と世界史は難しかったです。特に世界史に苦戦しました。なぜなら世界史の期末テストはプロジェクトと試験の両方があったからです。プレゼンにはあまり自信がなく、とても緊張しました。また世界史の試験では、難しい単語が使われた文章をたくさん読み、解答しなければならなかったので、大変でした。でも、勉強の際に、分からない単語の意味を調べていたため、解答に役立てることができました。自分にとって良い英語の練習になったと思います。選択問題では、自分が用意した答えと違うことがあり、戸惑いました。でも、授業で先生がお話していたことを思い出しながら、答えることができたため、授業を聞くことの大切さを深く感じました。

二つ目は、spring sport awards についてです。これは、春にあった校内の運動部の部員やコーチが集まり、お互いに表彰し合い、賞状をもらうというものです。この表彰の前に、ピザとケーキが配られたので、テニスをやっていた友達とピザやケーキを食べたりして楽しみました。私はTrack and Fieldチームだったので、その会場に行ってきました(学校の中の部屋でした)。チームのメンバーを祝うことができ、素晴らしい時間でした。私たちのチームは他の春のスポーツより人数が多いので、7時に終わるはずが9時まで続きました。普通の火曜日だったので、翌朝はちょっと起きるのが大変でしたがそれもいい思い出です。


私のレポートを読んでくれてありがとうございました。 私の経験をみなさんと共有できてとてもうれしいです。 素敵な夏をお過ごしください!

From BC, Canada,

Hi, everyone! I’m S.O, and I’m an international student in BC, Canada. This report is for June. I’m writing this report previous day before I go back to Japan lol When you read this report, I’ll be in Japan lol.

In June, I have lots of events. This month is last month in Canada, so I went many places such as water-pool, festival which is called Hats Off Day. However, in this month I fought with my friend lol Now, we’re fine, and still best friend, so no worries! At that time, when I was fought with my friend, that was really stressful for me, but now it’s also good memory lol

I can feel how my English is better than when I came here in August because I could fight with my friend lol Also, my ELL level has moved from one to three in this year. I’m a little-bit sad that I have to speak Japanese in Japan. I tried really hard to speak English, so speaking English is kind of my custom lol Also, I’m so depressed that I have to say bye to my friends. I really want to say Thank you to them. When I came here, I was really nervous, scared to speak English, but they made my experience so special and bright.

I will definitely come back to Canada someday!! See you Canada! Thank you for reading at the end, this is my final report. I’ll keep trying to do my best for everything!!




From Canada,

I am R. W.  completing my exchange in Canada soon.   June 16th was the last day of my school.   The rest is the test period.  So, in June, the school was over in two weeks.  For the last 3 or 4 days, I didn’t have a solid lesson, but often played games and responded to student requests.  In the dance class, we talked about the impressions of the presentation, what we learned in this class, and what kind of class this class is.  And since I was an international student, my teacher gave me the Canadian flag and asked me to write everyone’s signatures and messages on it.  We also handed out sweets, danced at the end, and talked a lot with the classmates.  It was a very good memory.

In the math class, the tests were close, so I prepared for the tests and did mock tests.  We all played games on the last day.

In the band class, I made a presentation at the last group work,  I finished cleaning up the instruments.  At the last announcement, we made a solo and announced it, so I was very nervous, but it was good because it was successful.

I felt that I would like to continue playing the clarinet even after returning to Japan.  My friend came to my class to say goodbye because my study abroad period was over.  He wrote a message on the flag and gave me a graduation photo.  I didn’t want to go home yet.  After the test, I went to Calgary, a little city, and went to the last mall with my friends.  It was a lot of fun.  This is my best memories. I love Canada.  I want to go to Canada again.

こんにちは。カナダ1年留学生のR.W.です。私の学校は6月の16日が学校最後の日でした。 あとはテスト期間です。 6月に入って2週間で学校が終わってしまいました。最後の3、4日は、みっちりと授業はせずに、ゲームをしたり生徒のリクエストに応えそれをやるというものが多かったです。ダンスの授業ではお互い発表会の感想を言い合ったり、このクラスで何を学んだか、このクラスはどんなクラスかを発表会しました。そして、留学生だったので、先生がカナダの国旗をプレゼントしてくれたり、そこにみんなのサインやメッセージを書いてもらいました。また、お菓子を配りあったり、最後は踊ったり、クラスの人と沢山話しました。とてもいい思い出になりました。




