
From France, America & Canada フランス・アメリカ・カナダ留学生レポート

De la France, and From America & Canada,


May is here. The end of the school year in France, America and Canada is finally approaching, which means that exchange students from Otsuma Nakano are facing the end of her study abroad experience.  Here are the exchange reports from France, the U.S., and Canada. Please take a look.

De la France,

Bonjour!je suis N.W,j’étudie le français a saint-denis international school.





From Oregon,  America

Hello! I’m M.C. I’m studying at Westside Christian High School in Oregon. It is April, but it’s still cold here and yesterday, I saw snow. I asked my friend about April’s snow, and she told me that it’s not normal!! It’s crazy!! This time, I want to talk about Prom and Track & Field.

Firstly, I will talk about Prom.(I heard public schools have about 5 dances, it’s so cool!!! But WSCH hasn’t. And Prom was the last dance 🙁 ) Prom is the biggest dance party in high school, and most prom can only be junior and senior. But, in my school, freshmen and sophomores also can join. I’m so happy about that, because prom is a more formal dance party than last dance party, so we all wear long dresses and I really wanted to try long dresses. As in the last time, I went shopping with my host mother to the shopping mall. Last time, I took a long time to choose a dress, but this time, I decided on the first one, so we could take more time to choose jewelry, shoes, and so on. Before prom, I went to my friend’s house and we took pictures together. It was so fun, and I’m so glad I was able to keep my memories in the picture. After that, we went to prom by bus, ate dinner and danced. It was kind of cold, but it’s alright, it is also a fun memory.

Secondly, I will talk about Track & Field. Usually, I’m doing 1500m, and javelin. But at the meet 3 weeks ago, I also did 1600m. When I heard the difference is only 100m, I felt “only” 100m, but when I was running that difference was so big.

Then, we had another meet last weekend. It’s called King. Twenty five Christian schools participated in this meet in Seattle. This time’s meet was a little bit different, because we stayed overnight, and went to meet. Usually, we don’t do that. So I was so excited, and It was so fun. (I was also very happy to be able to go to Seattle!!) My school’s relay team got first place and many other people also got medals or ribbons. Track and Field meets another fun thing is we can hang out with new friends. I met a new friend and made a dandelion crown with her and my school’s friend. It’s so fun when I meet new people, I can get new knowledge about other schools and other places.  Thank you for reading today!!

こんにちは!オレゴンにあるWestside Christian High Schoolに留学中のM.Cです。4月なのに寒く、雪が降っているのを見ました。友達も、普段はこうじゃないよ!と驚いていました。今回は、Promというダンスパーティーについてと、Track & Field について話したいと思います。


次に、Track & Field について話そうと思います。普段は1500mと、槍投げをやっているのですが、3週間前の大会で、初めて1600mを走りました。(400MDRというリレー形式でした)100mしか違わないなら簡単だろうと思いましたが、陸上競技において100mの差は大きいなと、改めて思いました。

先週の大会はKingと呼ばれるもので、25校のキリスト教の学校がシアトルで行われるこの大会に参加しました。今回の大会は、ホテルに1泊して行われました。普段はやらないことだったことに加え、シアトルに行けるということで凄く楽しみにしていました。私の学校の女子400mリレーチームは1位をとり、個人でも多くの人が表彰台に上がったり、メダルをもらうことができました。Track & Field の大会のもう一つの楽しみは新しい友達と話せるというところで、今回も私の学校の友達と、大会であった友達とでたんぽぽの花かんむりを作りました。学校外の人と出会うと、新しい知識や他の学校の様子などが知れるので凄く楽しいです。


From Langley , Canada,

Hello, my name is R.C, and I’m a student at Brookswood Secondary School in Langley, Canada. It has been 3 months since I came here. Recently, my host mother told me “ Your English is good! You said just yes a month ago when I asked you something but now you can talk a lot!” I was so glad to hear that and I gained some confidence after she told me that! On the other hand, I’m really sad because I have to go back to Japan after 2 months. I want to speak more fluently and I need more time. In this entry, I would like to report about my host sister’s birthday and the show of Harry Potter.

On April 20, it was my host sister’s birthday. Her mother is coming to our house to celebrate her so it is lively! I gave some accessories and a letter to her from under the door in the middle of the night. She texted me “Thank you!!” in the middle of the night and told me “I love that surprise !” that morning. I was really glad because I was able to please her! She loves Sushi so I went to a sushi restaurant for dinner with my host family and I ate tuna and salmon don and California roll. They were awesome! My host sister thought sushi was delicious too. After we got home, we ate cake and gave some presents to her. I gave a ring that I bought with my other host sister and my host family gave some bracelets to her. They gave something to her mother too and her, her mother, and my host mother were crying! I was really glad that they were happy!

On April 24, I watched the movie Harry Potter with my host family. Before we watched the show, we went to a ramen restaurant. I hadn’t been to ramen restaurant since I came to Canada so I was really exited! Before we went there they asked me what ramen is and I was surprised because I thought ramen was really famous food in the world. Before they ate it, my host father pointed to Katsuobushi and asked me “Something is moving but is it normal!?” It was so fun! When they were eating ramen they said so good and I was glad!! After we ate ramen, we watched the show. It was the movie playing in the back ground and the orchestra playing musical score. I had watched just the first movie so I was worried if I couldn’t understand but it was great!! I want to watch other movies. It was a really good experience!

I’ll do my best for the remaining 2 months. Thank you for reading!



4月24日はハリーポッターのショーを私のホストファミリーと一緒に観に行きました。ショーを見に行く前に私たちはラーメンを食べに行きました。私がカナダに来てからラーメン屋さんに行ったことがなかったのでとても興奮しました!そこに行く前に私のホストファミリーはラーメンとは何か聞いてきて、ラーメンは世界でとても有名な食べ物だと思っていたのでとても驚きました。彼らがそれを食べる前にホストファザーがかつお節を指差しながら「何か動いてるけどあれ普通なの?」と聞いてきました。とても面白かったです!彼らがラーメンを食べている時すごく美味しいと言ってくれたので嬉しかったです!それらを食べた後、ショーを見に行きました。それは映画に合わせてオーケストラ が演奏するというものでした。私は最初の映画しか観たことがなかったので理解できるか心配でしたが、とてもすごかったです!別のエピソードも観たいなと思いました。とても良い経験をしました!


From Alberta, Canada

My name is H.I. and I am studying abroad in Alberta, Canada. It has been 8 months since I came to study in Canada. This month, I attended a dance party at my school. The dance party was fun and I was able to make friends with students from other grades, both male and female, who I had not had much contact with before. I felt that I could deepen the relationship between international students and Canadian school students.

Also, since Easter was celebrated this month, which is not the case in Japan, I was able to celebrate Easter with my host family. At the celebration, we cooked dishes using eggs, which is a symbol of Easter, and lamb, which is a lamb of God, and also had an egg hunt, which is a well-known Easter tradition. Egg hunt is a game in which families with children hide painted eggs and find them.  The host father hid the eggs and played that game with the host mother.

We enjoyed many holidays and events this month. I will enjoy the remaining two months of my stay in Japan without any regrets. Thank you for reading!

私はカナダのアルバータ州に留学をしているH.I.です。カナダ留学にきてから8ヶ月が経過しました。 今月は学校でダンスパーティーがあったためそのダンスパーティーに参加しました。ダンスパーティーは楽しく今まであまり関わることのなかった他の学年の生徒、男女関わらず仲良くなることができました。  留学生とカナダ人の学校の生徒の関わりも深められた気がしました。

また今月は日本にはないイースターがあったためイースターのお祝いをホストファミリーとすることができました。 そのお祝いではイースターの象徴である卵を使った料理や神の仔羊ということでラム肉を使った料理また、イースターの恒例行事として知られるエッグハントをしました。 エッグハントとは子どものいる家庭でペイントしたタマゴを隠して見つける遊びです。 ホストファザーが卵を隠しホストマザーとその遊びをしました。





