
From France, America and Canada – Updated Reports on Study Abroad

Now the following three updated reports on Otsuma Nakano study abroad programs reached us from France, America and Canada.  It would be great if you could enjoy reading them.


From France,

Bonjour!Je m‘appelle U. I. . J’apprends le français et j’étudie à l’étranger à lécole saint-denis international school.




これからもこうした日本では体験できなかった素晴らしいことを通しながら、語学もしっかり学びたいたいと思います。 最後までレポートを読んでいただきありがとうございました!

From America,

Hi, I am M. C.  studying at Westside Christian HS in Oregon as an international student.  During this fall vacation in the U.S., we had a big event called Thanksgiving, which is like Christmas, and we ate turkey and pumpkin pie. I ate the turkey with cranberry jam, and it was awesome. Also, my host mother taught me the history of Thanksgiving, and I learned the importance of thinking about the meaning of the event. There is no school for nine days. I was taken to a German restaurant and had a great time with my host family.

I had a lot of time to spend with my host sister at this time. My host sister and I both like to paint, so we often paint together when we have time, such as on weekends.  We decided to use paints together, but we couldn’t find any paints, so we decided to paint with a Japanese calligraphy set I brought from Japan, which requires only water and special paper. It was not the way I was supposed to use it, but I was very happy to see how happy they were.

Also, my cross-country season is over, and I’m so disappointed with that I couldn’t renew my PR and I could not be qualified to proceed the state meet, so I want to continue running for cross-country next year. In the cross-country, we watched movies while eating pizza in the library with my teammates, and solving quizzes about stores and signs around the school made by our coach while running were things that I have never experienced in Japan, so I found myself happy to have such a valuable experience. I am also very grateful to my host family who waited for me every day until practice was over. I am gradually able to understand conversations and classes, but I am still not able to speak English fluently and understand it completely, so I will try to be more proactive.    Thanks a million for reading my report.




From Canada,

My name is M.T. and I am in my second year of high school studying in Canada as an international student. I’m sorry to bother you now, but do you know what this flower is? This flower is called a poppy and it symbolizes an event in Canada.

Remembrance Day is a day when we remember the fallen of World War I. Since the Armistice Treaty was established on  November 11, 1918, every year November 11 was designated as  the day of respect and remembrance for those who died in war. Since then, this day has also become a day of remembrance for Canadian soldiers who died in World War II and other wars. A minute or two of silence is observed at 5 a.m., when the First World War Armistice was signed, and at 11 a.m., when the Armistice came into force.

The red poppy is the symbol of this day because of the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, a Canadian soldier who fought in the First World War in 1915. In Flanders, Europe, where the fighting was fierce, red poppies filled the battlefields after the fighting was over. At my school, each student was given a badge and at 11am we had a two-minute silent prayer.

The First World War was so devastating to the soldiers who fought and survived, not only physically but also mentally, that a psychiatric department was set up after the war. The Treaty of Versailles was signed to prevent such a war from happening again, but 20 years later the same tragedy happened again.

People say that wars are folly because they are fought for profit. But if you were a king, what would you do to increase your country’s profits? If other countries had the same aspirations and the same aims, would you really be able to solve the problem peacefully if you didn’t even know what the future held for your country? War would be the expression of the survival instinct of man, and it seems to me that war has been for Japan a discovery of the value of life. Just as our distant ancestors discovered hunting as a survival instinct, so we have discovered what it takes to live as human beings in the future.

To conclude my report, I can say that it has been a very productive month for me to think deeply about peace. Thank you for reading.

こんにちは、カナダに留学している高校2年生のM.Tです。突然ですが、皆さんはこの花をご存じですか?  これはポピーという花で、カナダでは『ある出来事』の象徴とされています。今回は、その『ある出来事』、Remembrance day についてお話ししたいと思います。

Remembrance day とは第一次世界大戦の戦没者追悼記念日であり、1,918年11月11日に休戦条約が結ばれたことにより、毎年11月11日は戦争で亡くなった兵士に敬意を表し、追悼することになりました。それ以降、この日は第二次世界大戦や、ほかの戦争によって亡くなったカナダ兵も追悼する日にもなっています。また、第一次世界大戦の停戦協定に署名された午前5時、休戦協定が発効された午前11時は1~2分ほどの黙祷を捧げます。

そして、赤いポピーがこの記念日のシンボルとされている理由は、1915年、第一次世界大戦で戦ったカナダ人軍人のジョン・マクレイの詩、In Flanders Fields が由来となっており、激戦区だったヨーロッパのフランダース地方には、戦闘が終わった後、戦場を埋め尽くすように赤いポピーが咲いたそうです。私の通っている学校では、各々バッジが配られ、午前11時には約2分間の黙祷を捧げました。


戦争とは、利益を奪い合うために起きるものであり、人はこれを愚かだといいます。たしかにそうですが、もしあなたが国王だったら、国の利益を増やすためにどうするでしょうか? 他国も自分と同じような願望を持っていて、狙っていた物が一緒であった場合、自国の明日さえわからない状況で、本当に平和的な解決ができるでしょうか。戦争とは、人の生存本能を表したものであり、これまでの戦争は、日本にとって、命の価値の発見であったように思います。遠い先祖が生存本能的によって、狩猟という方法を発見したように、ヒトが人として、これからを生きる為に必要なことを見つけたのだとも思います。


