
From Canada – Exchange Reports on Happy Thanksgiving Experiences

Now from Canada, happy Halloween reports reached us to tell us how interesting it is to experience new culture and customs outside Japan!    Enjoy the following four reports!

Hi, everyone! I’m H.O, currently studying abroad for one year at Burnaby in Canada. It’s getting cold in Canada these days, so I can’t stay away from the fireplace at home. In Canada, most houses have fireplaces, but Japanese houses don’t have them, so I was surprised at fireplaces.   All in all, I would like to talk about the events in October.

The first one is Thanksgiving Day. On this day, I had a big turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and many other feats with my host family. It was very gorgeous and delicious! Japan doesn’t have this holiday, so it was a very valuable experience.

The second one is Halloween. In my high school, we had Halloween week. It was like a countdown for Halloween, and there has the day of going to school in pajamas which were interesting. On the day of Halloween, students and teachers dressed up and gave away candy, which was very fun. Also, there were various events in my school. There were costume contests, pumpkin carving, and haunted houses, and haunted houses were especially scary. I’m glad I was able to experience Halloween that different from Japan!

I will continue to stay healthy and have fun! Thank you very much for reading my report to the end.


まず、1つめはthanksgiving dayです。この日は家族みんなで一緒にターキーやスタッフィング、マッシュポテトなどのたくさんのごちそうをいただきました。とっても豪華でおいしかったです! これも日本では経験できないイベントなのでとても貴重な体験でした。

2つめはハロウィンです。私の学校にはHalloween weekというのがありました。ハロウィンに向けてのカウントダウンのようなもので、パジャマで登校する日などがあり面白かったです。そしてハロウィンの日は生徒も先生も仮装をしてお菓子を配ったりしていて、とっても楽しかったです。また、それに合わせて様々なイベントがありました。仮装をしてそれを競い合うコスチュームコンテストやジャックオランタンを作れるイベント、お化け屋敷などがあってなかでもお化け屋敷は本格的で怖かったです。日本とは違うハロウィンを体験できてよかったです!


Hi, I am R. W. an exchange student studying in Canada.  There was a big event called Halloween in October, so people in schools and dormitories were preparing for Halloween.  And on the day of Halloween, the day before, and the two days before, everyone wore each costume at school, and the teachers also wore their costumes.   Along with that, we made Jack O Lantern in the dormitory.  It was the first time for me to cut pumpkin and make it, so it was very interesting.

I also went to a big Halloween event in Calgary.  There were about 10 haunted houses there, all of which were threatening people, so I was very scared.  Halloween in Japan is an event where everyone walks in costumes in Shibuya and in the streets of the city, but Halloween overseas was completely different and interesting.

At school, the term would be over at the end of this month, so everyone did what they wanted to do.  For example, in the cosmetics class, I did manicure at the end.  If it’s physical education, I ended up playing volleyball.  It was a lot of fun.  I’m looking forward to new classes  next month, but I’m a little worried.  But I’ll try my best.

カナダに留学中のR. W. です。10月にはハロウィンという大きなイベントに向けて、学校や寮の人もハロウィンに向けて色々準備をしていました。そして、ハロウィン当日や、前日、前々日には学校にはみんなコスチュームを着て来ていたり、先生もコスチュームを着ていました。寮ではジャック・オーランタンを作りました。かぼちゃを切って作るので初めてでとても面白かったです。また、カルガリーにある大きなハロウィンイベントにも行きました。そこには10個ぐらいのお化け屋敷があり、どれも人が脅かすものなのでとても怖かったです。日本のハロウィンは渋谷や都会でみながコスチュームを着て歩くものですが、海外のハロウィンは全然違って面白かったです。


Hi, everyone! I’m S.O. and an international student in BC, Canada. This is my second report. It’s my pleasure if you could read the following to the end.  In Canada I need a jacket every day because it is rainy and the temperature is low recently.  Also, since it is October, Halloween decorations are everywhere in Canada, and the TV news is always talking about Halloween every day.

There were many events such as “Movie Night” or “costume contest” at Alpha Secondary School where I am enrolling.  Especially, I had good time on Friday when we had classes before Halloween. There were a lot of people who were wearing various costumes because it was Halloween Contest on that day. I liked SpongeBob’s costume. The guy who was wearing SpongeBob’s costume looked so hard to move and he needed a few minutes to stand up lol. On that day, teachers were also wearing strange costume and they gave a chocolate or candy and so on when we finished the class.

Also, on the day of Halloween, we went trick-or-treating with my friends. Many houses were decorated, and some even used projectors to show scary images, and to create strange atmosphere.  I saw a lot of fire works!

By the way, do you know how much do Canadian spend money for Halloween costumes or Halloween decorating? My teacher said they spend about 500 million dollars  for that. I was so surprised when I knew that. I dressed up as a witch and even wrote spider webs on my face, and my friends also enjoyed wearing scary makeup. While I was happy to receive a bagful of sweets, I’m worried that I’ll gain weight lol

This is all about what I wanted to talk about Halloween in Canada, how is it? Thank you for reading my report. See you next time!

皆さんこんにちは! カナダのバーナビーで1年留学中のS.O.です。この留学レポートで2回目のレポートとなりますが、今回も最後まで読んでいただけたら嬉しいです。カナダでは、ほぼ毎日雨で気温も低くジャケットが手放せません。また10月になったということでカナダのあちこちでハロウィン仕様の飾り付けがされていたり、テレビのニュースでも毎日必ずハロウィンの話題について話しています。

私が通っている Alpha Secondary School でも夜学校でホラー映画を見たり、ハロウィンの仮装コンテストなどたくさんのイベントがありました。特にハロウイン前の最後の学校があった金曜日は本当に楽しかったです。そのハロウィンィンの仮装コンテストということもあり多くの人がクオリティの高い仮装をしていたのですが、私は個人的にスポンジボブの仮装が好きでした。ちなみにスポンジボブの仮装をしていた人は動くのが本当に大変そうで、椅子から立ちあがる時もバランスを崩して立つのに時間がかかっていました(笑) この日は生徒だけでなく先生も仮装をして、授業が終わる時にはお菓子もくれました。



Hello! Everyone.    I am H.I. and I am studying abroad in Alberta, Canada.   It’s been two months since I came to study in Canada, and I’m getting used to my life now.   In the dormitory, we can enjoy various activities such as cooking and playing the squid game which is very popular now!   All of them are great experiences for me.

Particularly,  when we did the squid game, one of the teachers in the dormitory was Korean, so she made real calumet dishes for us to play with, which was a lot of fun and helped us get to know other international students even better.

Along with that, in October, there was a big event called Halloween, so I was able to experience a lot of Canadian customs and culture.  At school, teachers were dressed up with the costume of superheroes and students were wearing their favorite characters’ makeup and costumes.

What’s more,  because the town I live in is small, the residents are very warm and friendly.  When we went trick-or-treating, they gave us lots of candy and dressed up as various ghosts to entertain the children who came to visit.

This month, we had some fun experiences such as going out with our Canadian friends and having dinner with our roommates!  Thank you for reading.

こんにちは!皆さん。私はカナダのアルバータ州に留学をしているH.I.です。カナダ留学に来てから、2ヶ月が経ち段々と生活にも慣れてきました。寮では色々なアクティビティを体験させてくれるため、料理をした、り今流行っているイカゲームをみんなで行ったりしました! イカゲームでは寮の先生の中に韓国人の先生がいるということもあり、先生からリアルカルメ焼きを作ってもらい、ゲームをしたため寮でもすごく盛り上がり、他の国の留学生達とさらに親睦を深めることが出来ました。また10月はハロウィンというビックイベントがあったためカナダの習慣や文化に大きくふれることが出来ました。

学校では先生がスーパーヒーローの仮装をしていたり、生徒はそれぞれ自分の好きなキャラクターのメイクや仮装をするなどとみんなすごく楽しんでいました また私が住んでいる町は小さいということもあり、住民の皆さんがとてもあたたかく接してくれました。トリック・オア・トリートに行くと、訪問をしにきた子供達を楽しませるためにいろいろなお化けの仮装をするなど沢山のキャンディーをくれるなどいろいろな方法で楽しむことができました。



