


午前中は「日本は中学校と高等学校の部活動制度を廃止すべきである。 是か非か」のテーマ、午後は 「自分の好きなことをして生計を立てるべきか、否か」のテーマで英語ディベートを行いました。当日は合計4試合の議論を行いました。






Y.T. さん: このイベントを通じて、チームの団結力の重要性を気づくと同時に、主催者・アドバイザーとして、新しい生徒を歓迎することの大変さを学びました。 今はなかなか、直接会って作業を進めることができなかったので、当日までに準備が間に合うかなどとても恐れていました。しかし、信頼し合っていた仲間との作業だったのでコミュニケーションを取りながら円滑に準備を終えることができました。それによって、ディベートでは2勝2敗という、最初の大きなステップが取れたかと思います。 それ以上にもディベートの楽しさ、討論を行う能力、さまざまな観点から問題をみる能力なども理解することができました。



I.M. さん: 今回は、初めて手伝うという立場で参加しました。自分たちの指導が行き届かず、準備がギリギリになってしまったことが反省点です。ただ、本番で試合に勝つことができたと聞いて、本当に安心しました。英語ディベートの経験は、中学3年生にとって貴重な経験になったのではないかと思います。手伝っていただいたすべての方に感謝します。ありがとうございました。

The All Japan Junior High School English Debate Tournament was held 9/5 virtually on ZOOM, with 3 students from J3 representing the Otsuma Nakano Junior High School team. The tournament consisted of prepared debating in the morning and an impromptu debate in the afternoon. The students debated on the topic “Resolved: Japanese junior high, and high schools should withdraw from school club activities” in the morning and in the afternoon debated on the topic “You should do what you love for a living” based on the HEnDA (Highschool English Debate Association) rules.

What We Learned

Through this event, we were able to learn the significance of bonding as a team and at the same time understand the struggles of recruiting students to participate in debating. We were not able to directly meet and work on our research so it was a little nerve wracking but with the trust within each other, there was solid communication between the members which enhanced the performance throughout the debate. Moreover, we were able to realize the importance of debating and comprehend multiple points of view towards the topic.


We would like to thank all of the participants who helped with the preparation towards the official debate, as well as Mr Vickers for supporting and advising through this whole process.

Future Plans

In the future, we would like to create an actual competition team for both the Junior High School team and the High School team, instead of participating in these events as a one-time occasion.  Additionally, we would like to create a club where we can teach the beauty of debating, in order to ensure HEnDA debate tournaments become an annual event for the debaters of Otsuma Nakano.

Comments From Participants

After participating in two debating events, I have been given the opportunity to take lead of the debate team as well as to organize events. Moreover, this was my first time to participate in a HEnDA event from the perspective of an adviser. With the pandemic, the team wasn’t able to meet face to face to work on our research, which led to a lack of time in preparation. I should have been more responsible for getting in touch with the team members from other grades and contacted them more frequently to understand the track they were on. Despite the miscommunication, I heard that the J3 students were able to win in some matches, and I was very proud of them. Hopefully, this debate participation became a valuable experience for the J3 students and would continue on with the HEnDA debate team. To conclude, I would like to appreciate the supporters, advisers for giving me the opportunity to realize the significance of debating and allowing me to grow through this moment. Thank you very much.

This was the first time to join the English debate from the view of an adviser. Since we couldn’t teach junior high school students with enough time, the preparation was not perfect. However, I was really happy to hear that they won the match. I believe that this debate was a valuable experience for junior high school students. I will appreciate to all supporters. Thank you very much.


