
From Ottawa, Ontario in Canada – Updating A Life at Glebe Collegiate

Now a new report from Ottawa, Ontario in Canada reached us.  Y.U. reports her life there as an international student at Glebe Collegiate Institution, Ottawa, Canada.

Hello!  I’m Y.U, and I’m an international student studying at Glebe Collegiate Institution Ottawa, Canada since February of this year.  The snow has begun to melt and I can see some green grass on the ground.

For this updated report, I would like to start to write about school.  It’s been two months since school started.  I was able to get used to going to school, which I was worried about.  Canadian History and English classes will end in the first week of the next month.  It’s a great memory to take a walk outside with everyone in a social distance for a change of pace in a little break time in Canadian history.  It makes me feel a little lonely to break up with my fun classmates and teachers.

The next topic is about my homestay.  This month, I went to the Canadian War Museum. There are many exhibits such as weapons, clothes, dioramas, and videos.  I saw there are many replicas and so on.  I was shocked.  In particular, I was very scared to experience the soldiers fighting from the moat.  We could learn a lot about wars there.

Finally, I would like to wrap up this report taking about the city of Ottawa.  I went to downtown near the school with one of my classmates.  The colorful buildings and the beautiful castle-like buildings made the buildings very attractive!

I would like to continue learning a lot in Canada.  Thank you for reading until the end!

こんにちは!私はカナダのオタワにあるグリーブスクールに今年の2月から通っている、1年留学中のY.Uです。 雪が溶け始め緑の芝生が見えるようになってきました!




