
From Hungary 医学部で学ぶ大妻中野生からのメッセージとレポート

To all who are going to take entrance exams to Otsuma Nakano from Hungary:

世界の各地で学んでいる大妻中野の生徒たち。大妻中野の学びは大妻中野だけでは終わらない! グローバルの最前線で自分の将来と日本と世界の未来のために頑張っています。ヨーロッパ・ハンガリーの大学医学部に一足先に進学、医学の勉強をヨーロッパで始めた高校3年生のからのメッセージも届きました。ぜひ、どうぞ!


★ 中学受験の時期ですよね。ここで、大妻中野受験生へのメッセージをハンガリーから送ります! ★








ハンガリー・デブレツェン大学医学部インテンシブ プレメディカルスクール・大妻中野高等学校3年 皿谷 悠

Hello everyone. I am Haruka Saraya, a third-year high school student of Otsuma Nakano. I successfully passed the entrance exam for the intensive pre-medical course of English program at Debrecen University in Hungary, and I have been studying at this university although I am a high school student.   Since I arrived in Hungary on  Dec 19, 2020, almost one month has passed.

I’m getting comfortable to spend time in my dormitory recently. However, it is hard for me to cook myself, and do my washing or house chores during my spare moments while studying. When I feel stressed about it, I’m always trying to imagine that my friends at Otsuma Nakano are working hard now in Japan, which encourages me to work hard to struggle with my duties.

Let me introduce about my daily life in Hungary. First of all, I will tell you about my college, named Debrecen University. Debrecen University is located at the second biggest city in Hungary. Hungary has four medical universities that offer excellent medicine courses in English respectively, and also my university established in 1538, which has the longest history among them.

I have three reasons to be attractive by this university of Debrecen University.  Firstly, I will be able to obtain a medical license of European Union (EU) when I graduate from this university. Secondly, Debrecen University has additional programs to prepare for applying examination for medical license (USMLE) available in the United States.  I have heard that only two colleges, Debrecen Univ. and another Univ. in UK cover this program among EU countries. Thirdly, Debrecen Univ. has many kinds of departments which enables me to meet many students from all over the world with diverse backgrounds. I have been studying only in online classes until February 7th, 2021 so I’m looking forward to going to this university physically.

Next, I will tell you about my studying status.   I now belong to pre-medical school, therefore I am studying science including chemistry, biology and physics in English. The classes consist of two styles, which are lecture and seminar. Lecture is prepared for everyone and seminar requires us, students  to perform “practice exercises & discussion” with a small number of students.  Of course, all teachers are Hungarian, so their speaking English is not so fast possibly because English would be their second foreign language.  Therefore, it is relatively easier for me to understand their English. However, in the seminar, some students from Middle East speak too fast to catch up with them, so sometimes, my purpose is to understand their English.

Fortunately, a tutor system for Japanese students has been established, which is directly performed by professors of Debrecen Univ., which enables us to understand the class much more deeply. Debrecen Univ. is the only institution having a tutor system handled by medical professors among four medical universities in Hungary.

Hopefully you can find a photo of my study desk. There is a biology textbook on the left side.  It is not so tough for me to understand it because I belonged to GLC(global leaders course) when I was in the first year, and to “Science class G” in the 2nd and 3nd year, however I attended the English class of GLC throughout three years. I believe that my English ability has been improved due to my study at GLC classes at Otsuma Nakano. I totally appreciate my school life at Otsuma Nakano. .

Finally, have you ever heard the word “privilege” before?  It means to be a special right and advantage.  It is not a natural thing  that I can get this opportunity to study in Hungary in order to pursue to reach my and that I can choose my life of my own.   I will give it my best try to enjoy my study in Hungary and always to be grateful to people who supporting me.

Thanks for your attention and read until the end. Thank you again.

Sincerely yours,

Haruka Saraya,   Debrecen University School of Medicine, pre-medical intensive course,   Otsuma Nakano Junior & Senior High School, 3rd-year high school student
