
全国高校生英語ディベート大会_東京大会 初出場・初勝利!

2020年11月3日に、本校の高校2年生のチームが、第15回全国高校生英語ディベート大会・東京都大会(オンライン)に出場しました。これは、All Japan High School Debate Association (HEnDA)が主催する全国大会の予選として位置付けられた大会で、モットーは、”Make Friends”.  競い合い、そして、お互いに学びあいました。

本校の英語ディベートチームは、高校2年生の5名。多様性の大妻中野らしく、帰国生、留学経験生など様々な生徒からなるチームワーク抜群の生徒たちです。今大会のディベートの議題は、「日本政府は,(ハイブリッド車も含む)化石燃料車の製造と販売を2035年までに禁止すべきである」 このトピックに肯定・否定をそれぞれ2回、計4回の英語ディベートの試合を行い、ディベートの強豪校と堂々と渡り合い、初勝利も収めました。



私たちはこの経験を通して、ディベートの基礎である「真のチームワーク」を学ぶことができ、その大変さや難しさ、楽しさを感じることができました。 そのうえ、コミュニケーション能力と批判的思考力の重要性を体感し、この2つの能力を伸ばすことができたと実感しています。


今後は、さらに、校内のディベートチームを拡大し、英語能力を問わず一人一人が自身をもち、多角的な視野で各自のリーダーシップを発揮できる強いチームの構築をしたいと考えています。 そして、ソサエティ5.0に向け、自分たちができる最大限のことに取り組みたいと思います。






HEnDA Debate Tournament Tokyo Qualifying Tournament Online 2020 Activity Report


We decided to take part in this debate competition to simply develop our English Speaking skills, Listening skills, and most importantly, our Critical Thinking skills as well as Communication skills. Another reason for participation was to develop relationships with students from other schools, as the HEnDA motto “make friends” suggests.

Activity Content

We participated in the November, 3rd HEnDA Debate Tournament Tokyo Qualifying Tournament Online 2020, as a team consisting of five 5th grade students from the GLC course. We debated on the topic: the Japanese Government should ban production and sales of fossil-fueled cars, including hybrid cars, by 2035, playing in four rounds total, each competing two times taking both the affirmative, and the negative side.

What We Learned

Through this experience, we were able to learn the basics and the art of debating, while developing our Critical Thinking and Communication skills. We were also able to learn the value of teamwork, and how that is inevitable for a successful and enjoyable match. Additionally, this experience capacitated us to be open minded, and have the ability to argue both sides of an issue, something valuable we promise to apply in various situations we encounter.


First, we would like to thank Mr. Kataoka for observing the matches and supporting us throughout the day of the competition. Also, we would like to give special thanks to Mr. Vickers for allowing us to have this valuable experience by organizing the team, and providing us with advice and inspiration, from the very beginning of the preparation period. We couldn’t have done this without their support, and would like to thank everyone else as well, who has helped us through this journey.

Though at first we felt this resolution wasn’t familiar to us, through our research, we were able to link it with many global issues we are concerned with such as climate, economic, and health issues, making us feel the topic was relevant now, more than ever.

Future Plans

In the future, we would like to expand the debate community within our school, and build a strong team where everyone, regardless of their English abilities and background could have a chance to come in touch with the beauty of debating while building their confidence, communication skills, leadership, open mindedness, and many more important abilities needed to survive through Society 5.0.


C.O.  –  Having the opportunity to take part in this wonderful tournament, I was able to comprehend the importance of cooperating as a team while still being an independent individual, with the ability and strong responsibility to make appropriate decisions. I am truly proud to achieve a level where I can discuss sophisticated issues with fellow students, given our short preparation time, and all the challenges we encountered. I would like to thank my teammates for each largely contributing to make this experience meaningful, as well as all the teachers who supported and advised us all the way.

Y.T. –  I really appreciate having the opportunity to do this debate Through this experience, I was able to improve my English level. Even though this was the first time for me, I felt that it’s important to think about social issues, discuss about it and exchange each other’s opinions during the debate. Also, I am proud of my teammates that we could discuss each one of the rounds and we could cooperate with all team members. I hope I will have this opportunity again and I want to make good use of this wonderful experience in the future. Once again, I would like to thank my teammates and teachers for giving me these experiences.

H.M. –  First of all I appreciate my team members and professors who manage this competition and supported us to have a great opportunity. Through this experience I realised again that my English has to be improved and how important it is to cooperate with each other. I enjoyed facing society issues and considering it with teammates and getting others’ opinions during debate. All of the experiences I got in this competition motivated me to study English harder, and debate becomes more fascinating for me. I Hope I will have other opportunities to have meaningful experiences like this time again.

M.S.  –  I am honored to participate in the HEnDA Debate Tournament. I was not only able to enjoy the debate, but also communicate with other teams. I was stimulated through this debate which was my first time. I noticed there is a difference in the skills of English and debate, even the same high school students, so I would like to enhance my English. Also, I could not contribute to my team, so I will try to work hard from preparation, and I would like to join the debate actively. In the end, I would like to thank teachers and my reliable teammates.

R. Y. –  Throughout this experience, I was able to gain many important aspects of interpersonal communication. Given an immensely difficult resolution and only a short period of time, it was very overwhelming and challenging to prepare for this debate tournament. With the support of my teammates and teachers, I was able to outgo my comfort-zone enhancing my communication and critical thinking skills. I would like to appreciate my teammates who supported and assisted me all the way to success, and my teachers who guide me to the development of my English ability and critical thinking skills.
