
From Canada – Making Our Real Move into the World

Now new reports from Otsuma Nakano exchange students studying abroad in Canada reached us.  Thanks to the Government of Canada and the Board Education of Burnaby School District, M.H. and J.O. Sophomore students of Otsuma Nakano have been enjoying their study abroad programs there in Burnaby, Canada.  We would be grateful if you could share the reports on their current study in Canada!

Hello everyone, I’m M.H, an exchange student studying at Burnaby South Secondary School in Canada.  Now in Burnaby, the temperature goes down and its autumn leaves here are getting brightly colorful and looking very beautiful.

It’s been about 2 months since I came to Canada.  My school life here is the same as before, and unfortunately almost of all club activities are not carried out.  However, some events were held using social media.  There were two events this month. The first one was “ Thanksgiving Day.”  This is a holiday only in the U.S. and Canada. I made dinner with my host family.  The dinner menu included mashed potatoes, lamb steak, corn and asparagus. I thought it was a highly valuable experience to me.

The second event was “ Halloween “. I took part a school Halloween event. This event was “Pumpkin decorating contest “. I painted a pumpkin with my friends, and the teachers were dressed up.  I thought I would have never experienced this event outside Canada.

Also, I went to Gastown in Vancouver.  I found there were few people there compared to the time when I had been there in the summer two years ago because of COVID-19.  Please compare the following two pictures, one of which was taken in my recent visit with the one taken in the summer two years before.

I am sure to continue to stay healthy not to be infected with COVID 19.   Thank you for reading my report.

こんにちは!私はカナダのBurnaby south secondary schoolに1年留学しているM.Hです。バーナビーは最近、気温が下がり寒くなり、紅葉がとてもきれいです。


今月は大きなイベントが2つありました。1つ目はThanksgiving dayです。このイベントはアメリカとカナダのみにある祝日です。私はホストファミリーと一緒にディナーを作りました。 ディナーのメニューはマッシュポテト、ラムステーキ、コーン、アスパラガスと豪華でした。この祝日はカナダにいる今年しか祝えないので、とても貴重な体験だと思いました。

2つ目はハロウィンです。私は学校のPumpkin painting contestというイベントに参加しました。友達と一緒に協力して、本物のカボチャに絵をかきました。この日、先生たちは仮装をしていました。このようなハロウィンはカナダでしか経験できないなと感じました。


これからもコロナに気を付けて体調管理をしっかりとして過ごしていきたいと思います。 私のレポートを読んでくださり、ありがとうございます!

Hello. I’m J. O. studying abroad at Byrne Creek Community School.  It’s getting cold recently, and the autumn leaves were very beautiful.  This report tells you what I experienced in this October.

The first thing is about that I went fishing. I got up early in the morning and went there with my host family one Saturday.  We couldn’t catch any fish that day.  However, my host father caught a big fish another day.  It was so heavy, and I felt a little scared of it.

The second experience is “Thanksgiving Day”.  It’s the day of the second Monday of October in Canada. The dinner on this day was more luxurious than usual, and we enjoyed lots of dishes with my host family and their relatives. I had a lot of spaghetti, meat, and cake and others, which all tasted great!

The third one is Halloween. There were many students and teachers wearing costumes on the day. I wore some accessories. In my school, a fashion show was held at lunch time. It was fun to see people in various costumes. Then I went to a haunted house at afternoon class. I screamed a lot while holding hands with my friends. Also, my teacher gave me a treat snack. I spent much different Halloween than that in Japan. I really enjoyed the Halloween event.  Thank you for reading.

こんにちは。カナダのByrne Creek Community Schoolに留学中のJ. O. です。カナダは最近寒くなってきて、紅葉がきれいです。このレポートでは10月に経験したことを紹介します。


2つ目は、Thanksgiving Dayです。カナダのThanksgiving Dayは、10月の第二月曜日にあります。この日の夕食は普段より豪華で、たくさんのお料理がありました。スパゲッティやお肉、ケーキなどたくさん食べました。私はホストファミリーとその親戚と夕食を食べました。

3つ目は、ハロウィンです。学校には衣装を身に付けている生徒や先生がたくさんいました。私は、小物のアクセサリーを付けました。私の学校では、ランチタイムにファッションショーが行われました。いろんな衣装の人がショーに出ていてとても楽しかったです。午後の授業ではお化け屋敷に行きました。友達と手を繋ぎながらたくさん叫びました。 また、私の先生はお菓子をくれました。このように日本と違うハロウィンイベントを過ごせて楽しかったです。

