Never Give up on Challenging to be with the world ③
Otsuma Nakano is very proud to share another message note from an exchange student in Wisconsin, America, Rin Yasuda, to fight against COVID-19 to overcome to rise up stronger and better together with the whole world.
Hello, this is Rin Yasuda from Bruce, Wisconsin, USA. As many of you know, the schools in the United States had closed and started online classes due to the COVID-19, also known as the Corona Virus. With the conditions of this pandemic, my days ended up being inside. Today, I would like to write about my quarantined life in the United States.
Earlier this month, my family had hosted a family meeting to have an organized daily life through this unexpected disaster. During this meeting, we decided on a rough schedule for the weekdays, chores, and made some rules. This is the rough schedule of our daily life:
~10:00 am | Wake up (起床) |
10:00 am~4:30pm | School work and personal time(学校関連・個人的な時間) |
4:30pm~Midnight | Free time (自由時間) |
Midnight | Go to bedroom (消灯) |
The rules we discussed at home were to do the chores by noon and do not distract or disturb each other by doing fun activities during the study hours. Every member of the family was obligated to do at least two chores. My chores are to wipe down the bathroom sink and doorknob with disinfecting wipes to maintain the clean environment and set up and clean up after dinner. After the meeting, I became capable to keep my lifestyle systematic and efficient, despite the irregular status.
Even though we do not go to school, the teachers assign schoolwork. For example, the classes I take for the third trimester are Employability Skills, Computer Applications, Advanced Math, Medical Terminology, Creative Composition, English 10, and Physics B. All the classes except Medical Terminology, uses Gmail and Google Classrooms to share learning objectives and important announcements. Furthermore, as for Employability Skills and Computer Applications, we listen to their lectures and take tests on a website called Applied Education System and as for Advanced Math and Physics B, the teacher assigns us a lecture to watch on Kahn Academy and grades us based on the quizzes. My English teacher also utilizes to see if we understand the grammar we learned in from the previous lessons. Since Medical Terminology was a distance learning class from a technical college, we use an app called CANVAS to watch lectures of a recorded PowerPoint and take tests. In my opinion, the experience of the online class system is extremely difficult but also developed my problem-solving abilities.
Globally, this respiratory disease has spread to dozens of countries and has killed several thousand people. As of the current medical care where the vaccine to cure the pandemic is in the testing phase, prevention is the utmost priority for people worldwide. We must wash hands frequently, refrain from touching the face, coughing into your elbow, conducting self-quarantine, and keeping social distance.
In fact, this pandemic affected me negatively in various ways. However, it gave me a lifelong experience. Keeping in mind that it is a gifted experience to study abroad and moreover experience a disaster, I would like to fulfill my remaining life here in Bruce, Wisconsin!
Lastly, please take care of yourselves and help prevent from the spread of this devastating pandemic. Thank you for reading my report!
先ほども述べたように、学校が休校になっても各教科の先生から毎日課題が出されています。今、学期は、雇用適正スキル、コンピューターアプリケーション、数学、医学用語、文芸、10年生必須英語、物理のクラスを取っています。医学用語以外のクラスはGmailやGoogleクラスルームを通して、連絡事項や課題についての情報が毎日アップデートされています。更に各教科では他のアプリやウェブ・サイトを通じて講義を受けています。例えば数学や物理ではkhan academy(日本のスタディーサプリのようなもの)を使用し、授業と小テストが行われています。医学用語においてはもともと近くの単科大学による通信教育のような形で授業を行っていたため、引き続き、教授が録画しCANVASというウェブサイトに投稿した授業を受けています。テストやレポートは毎週金曜日の11時59分までに提出しています。学校に行かずに自主的に授業を受け、宿題をしなければいけない状況が続いています。とても大変ですが、自己管理能力を養えるチャンスと考えて取り組んでいます。