
From Germany, Report from Yuki S. at F+U Academy in Heidelberg

From Germany, Report from Yuki S. at F+U Academy in Heidelberg

Hello, I’m Yuki Sano, studying in Heidelberg, Germany right now.  In the following report, I will introduce  about Germany Carnival. Germany Carnival starts with 11, November.  But its main parade is done on  ‘Rosenmontag’.  And then, the carnival ends on ‘Aschermittwoch’.  On the day, most people celebrate the  day with eating fish.   In these days, almost every day a party is going on and people present their work you prepare for the day.  This is my friend’s picture.

The carnival originates from the Christianity Religion.  During this time, you are allowed to do jokes about politics, and then some people wear masks to cover their faces. They are called ‘Narren’.  In the parade, there are many festival cars passing on the streets. And people on the cares are throwing some snacks.  Sometimes, they hand out beer.  On the streets, people get together and they dress up. They are drinking beer and singing before the carnival starts.

My study abroad in Germany will be over in a month.  Actually, we feel some influence by corona virus. So, I take care of my health. Thank you for reading.


こんにちは、ドイツのハイデルベルクにターム留学中の佐野です。 今回はドイツのお祭りである謝肉祭について紹介します。


カーニバルの由来はキリスト教から来ています。カーニバルの間は無礼講のような状態で、様々なジョークを言うことが許されています。また、「ナロウ」と呼ばれるフェイスマスクを身につける人もいます。 パレードでは様々な模様で彩られた山車が通り、そこからお菓子などが投げられます。ビールが配られていることもありました。通り沿いには仮装した人々が集まり、パレードが始まる前からビールを飲んだり、歌を歌ったりと通り一帯が賑やかでした。

