From Australia, Report from Minori S. at St Andrew’s Catholic College
From Australia, Exchange Report on St Andrew’s Catholic College – Minori S. 02.07.2020.
Hello everyone! I am Minori Saito, an exchange student at St Andrew’s Catholic College, Redlynch Valley in Australia. Two weeks have passed since when I came to Australia, so I got used to this life and settle down. In this report, I would like to talk about my school and my life.
At St. Andrew’s, I joined mass on February 7th. Mass is a ritual of Christianity. All students from elementary school to high school, attended this ritual. Honestly speaking, I had thought it would have not been very interesting when I had known it, because I had not have much interest in religion. However, my mind completely changed after that. I had thought songs involved with religion would be like symphony with orchestra, but, actually, there were rhythmic sings with fun beat. One of songs was played with motion like hand sign language. I was surprised and impressed with it and even I could enjoy the music. From this discovery, I became interested in religion. Also, from this experience, I learned that it would be very important to give it a try anything to make my view broaden before hesitation.
Regarding my home stay life, I went to Mareeba Drive-In with my host family and their friend’s family. There is a big movie screen outside, so people can see movies in the car or on the ground. That was my first time to watch movies outside, so I had been looking forward to going there. We drove there for about an hour, then I could see beautiful sea and beach from our car. We saw ”Frozen 2” and ”Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker”. The movie started at 19:30, and all finished at after 23:30. While we watched, I could saw lightning which looked purple behind the screen. Then my host sister told me that was called purple lightning. My host family and I came back home at 1 o’clock. I was very tired, but I enjoyed it very much!
Thank you for your reading for my report and have a good day!
