
From Calgary, Canada Fantastic Christmas in Canada

カナダ・カルガリーのストラスモア高校に1年留学中の眞美子さんと穂波さんから、updated reportが届きました。カナダのクリスマスと年末の体験のレポートをシェアしていただければうれしいと思います。

Hello. I’m Mamiko Abe.  I am studying abroad in Calgary, Canada for one year.  This is a December report of my exchange at Strathmore Secondary School.  We had many events in December.  I am very excited to share my experiences in December.

The first thing I want to introduce to you is a snow-coming dance activity.  After school, all students changed their wear into dressed up ones and enjoyed dancing in the gym. In Japan, I couldn’t wear some kinds of dresses and there are no parties, so it was very fun. The snow-coming day was so exciting day for all of us.

The second experience is about skiing and snowboarding. I could choose skiing or snowboarding. However I did skiing. Canadian snow was beautiful and very slippery. I also tried snowboarding, which was very enjoyable for me. At first, I fell a lot, but when I gave it try again and again, I could do snowboarding. I enjoyed skiing in the environment, which was quite different from Japan, so I could made many good memories. Anyhow, I want to do many more activities in the new year.

Thank you for reading my report. I want you to read it again.  Have a good year!!

こんにちは、皆さん。阿部眞美子です。私は今、カナダのカルガリーで1年留学しています。これは12月のレポートです。12月は様々なことがありました。 1つ目はsnow-comingというダンスを踊るアクティビティです。 Snow-comingは学校が終わったあと、ドレスに着替えて体育館でダンスを踊る行事です。 日本でドレスを着たりしなかったし、パーティーに出る機会もなかったのでとても楽しかったです。Snow-coming dayは充実した一日になりました。本当に楽しかったです。

2つ目はスキーとスノーボードをやったことです。 スキーかスノーボードで選べたのですが、私はスキーにしました。 カナダの雪は綺麗でとても滑りやすかったです。私はスノーボードにも挑戦したかったので スノーボードもやりました。最初はたくさん転んでしまいましたが、段々慣れてきて終わる頃には滑れるようになりました。 日本とはまた違ったスキーが味わえ、良い思い出がまた一つ出来ました。 来年はまた違うアクティビティをやってみたいです。私の記事を読んで頂き、ありがとうございます。また読んで欲しいです。皆さんにとって新年がよい年でありますように!

Hello. I’m Honami Sato.  I’m studying at Strathmore High School in Calgary, Canada.  In this updated report, I would like to share what happened in the last December.  First, there was an event called snow coming at my school.  It was an event where students gathered at night to enjoy dancing with various foods.  I was surprised that a real DJ was there. What surprised me the most was that the school gymnasium looked like a club with lights of various colors illumination.

Second, I went skiing in the Banff. I skied for the first time in the recent four years.  It was a great experience. People from cold regions were very good at skiing after all. I enjoyed skiing with my friends during free time.

Third, I would like to share my winter vacation.  On the day when we do not have no classes at school, we do not have breakfast and only have branch at our dormitory, so on the day we woke up just before lunch.  During winter holidays, many students get back to their own country, so the dormitory is lonely because there are no students at all.  However, the students who are staying at the dorm enjoyed watching movies, which was fulfilling life for us all.

Thank you for reading the report.



