
From New Zealand, Experience of Maori Culture at Sacred Heart GC

ニュージーランドの提携校、セイクリッドハートカレッジに1年留学中のMei さんからの夏休み直前レポートです。NZはもうすぐ長い夏休み、さまざまな新しい冒険が待っています。

Hi everyone. I’m Mei Hagiwara, an exchange student for one year at Sacred Herat College in New Zealand. How are you going recently? I think winter is around the corner in Japan, but here in New Zealand, summer is coming soon, so it is sometimes very hot like in real summer. Today I would like to share with you my experience on New Zealand culture, which is called Maori.

I went to Marae, which is sacred place for Maori family, where we can connect to the culture and share it. International students had a one-day event to learn Maori culture there. It was a very beautiful place.

At first, we did a hongi, which is a traditional Maori greeting. It is the way people press their noses together. After that, I learned two Maori songs. Maori is a language and used in New Zealand, but it is not English. I was surprised that pronunciations of Japanese and Maori are similar. So, I think we Japanese even can read and speak Maori easily!

Secondly, we girls did a poi dance. Do you know what a poi dance is?  It is a dance with poi.  Boys learned  Haka. I think you might know what Haka is because All Blacks, New Zealand national rugby team performed it when the world cup of rugby had been held in Japan.  When I watched their performance for the first time, I was very surprised with it because it has a tremendous power words cannot express.  If you haven’t seen it, I think you should watch it someday.

At last, we had Hangi. We prepared for that. My host family came there to eat Hangi. Also, they watched our performance of poi dance and Maori songs.

By the way, what is Hangi? It is a sort of traditional food in New Zealand and a customary Maori cooking method that you put food in underground at first.  You dig a large pit on the ground, lighting up a fire, laying out some stones which retain heat once the fire burned, placing the food on the top of the ground to be steamed for approximately three hours. Foliage followed by soil was also placed on top of the food to keep the steam inside. We cooked potatoes, pumpkin, pork, lamb. The result of this long process is tender, off the bone meat and delicious vegetables, all infused with a smoky, earthy fragrance. So, these are so delicious.

Term 4 will be ending soon. I cannot believe that I have only about five months left. However, I have a lot of plans during summer holidays, so I cannot wait for that! I am going to go on a South Island tour with International students from next Monday for 10 days. I am so excited!

Thank you for reading my report.

みなさんこんにちは!ニュージーランドのSacred Heart Girls Collegeに一年留学中の萩原萌衣です。皆さん、最近いかがお過ごしですか?日本は冬が近づいてきていると思いますが、こちらはもうすぐ夏がやってきます。だから時々、もう真夏みたいに暑い日があります。今日はニュージーランドのマオリと呼ばれる文化を皆さんにシェアしたいと思います。



次に私たち女子はポイダンスを習いました。ポイダンスとはポイを使って踊るダンスです。 男子はハカを学んでいました。皆さんも、もしかしたらハカとは何か知っているかもしれません。なぜならニュージーランドのラグビーチームが、この前日本で開幕されたラグビーワールドカップで試合の前に披露していたからです。私はそのパフォーマンスを最初に見たときはとても驚きました。なぜなら言葉では表せないほどの迫力があったからです。まだ見たことがない人は、いつか見るべきだと思います!




