
From Calgary Canada – New report from Smarthmore High School

カナダ・カルガリーのストラスモア高校に1年留学中の佐藤穂波さんから、updated reportが届きました。カナダらしい体験をシェアしていただければと思います。

Hello everyone.  This is Honami Sato studying at Strathmore High School in Alberta, Canada.  It is my pleasure to update my report on the life here at Strathmore.  This time, I’m going to share with you the following three things that have happened recently.

Firstly, I went to Calgary on my fashion class trip for the first time.  We are going to make a pillowcase, skirt or pants in my fashion class, so I went to buy its material and cloth.  At the shop there, I was very nervous when I bought them in English, even though I had never bought then in Japan.  I was able to buy the fabric smoothly, and I am making a pillowcase in the class.

The second topic is a very interesting experience, which was “Cake Auction”.  It’s something like a festival where students make many pieces of cake and sell and buy them with money they collected in each TA class (self-study class).  This year’s highest price was $300.  When the auction was over, we got back to our TA class (self-study lass) room and ate the cake I bought in the TA class. I was able to buy two cakes in my class. I didn’t like fresh cream of Canadian taste, but the cookies were delicious.

Thirdly, I made a visit to a festival in Calgary.  At the festival, we found cotton candy, doughnuts, and something similar to a Japanese festival sold at various fair stalls, but I was surprised that they were bigger than those in Japan.  At about eight o’clock in the evening, there were a lot of things like a fire-blowing dragon.

Overall, one month has passed since I started studying abroad in Calgary, but I still have some concerns and something to be worried about.  However, I’d like to continue doing my best.  Thank you for reading my report!


1つ目は、ストラスモアに来て初めてファションのClass Tripで、カルガリーに行ったことです。私が選択して履修しているファッションのクラスでは、これからの授業で、枕カバーとスカートかズボンを作るので、その生地を買いに行きました。私にとっては、日本でも生地なんか買ったことないのに、英語で生地を買うことになってとても買う時緊張しました。しかし、無事に生地も買えて、枕カバーの制作に取り組んでいます。

2つ目は、Cake Auctionのことです。これは、この学校の生徒達がcakeを作って、それを生徒達で売ったり、TAクラス(自習クラス)で出しあったお金でオークションをやって買うというお祭りみたいなものです。今年の最高額は300ドルでした。オークションが終わるとTAクラス(自習クラス)ルームで、TAクラスで買ったcakeを食べました。私のクラスは2つもcakeを買えました。日本とは生クリームが違って、私の口には合いませんでしたが、クッキーは美味しかったです。


