From Michigan, USA – new 1-year exchange KICK OFF
From Michigan, USA – A new one-year exchange in America KICK OFF –
Now many new one-year exchange programs of Otsuma Nakano have started from the end of August 2019, which is the new academic year for many countries. Otsuma Nakano students have expanded their study experiences into 18 high schools all over the world, such as America, Canada, UK, Ireland, France and New Zealand right now.
As the first of these new exchange programs, Karin Ishii from Michigan reported her kick off. It is great to share the exciting story about her new life in America.
Hello, everyone, from Michigan!! This is Karin Ishii. I am one of the one-year exchange programs for Otsuma Nakano G10 students. I am very happy to share my first story about my experiences in America.
I arrived in the U.S.A last Monday. I will be staying in Michigan. This is my first time traveling to the U.S. alone. I took a flight from Narita airport to Chicago. As Chicago O’Hare Airport was so big, I felt like I was in maze. Then I asked the staff for directions, so I was able to reach to the right connecting flight boarding gate. At the airport, I couldn’t use my mobile phone so I was very nervous that I wouldn’t make it to Lansing.
However, when I arrived at the Lansing airport my host family welcomed me. The host sister made a welcome poster with my name on it. I was very happy and smiled naturally. I had been worried about some culture shocks to make me confused, especially about my school and life with my host family, but my family and teachers helped me, so my worries have faded.
Anyhow, I have experienced many things in just one week. Of course, to be honest, I am very nervous about my school starting on the upcoming 26th, but my host brother goes to the same school, so I will take care of my health and work hard! Good luck on your school festival! Thank very much for reading my first report.
まず、8 月 12 日にアメリカのミシガン州に着きました。この留学が私にとっての初めての一人海外になります。私は成田空港発で、シカゴ空港で乗継いで目的地に行かないといけません。シカゴにつくとシカゴ・オヘア空港はとても大きく、乗り継ぎの場所に迷い焦ってしまいましたが、地上係員の人に聞き無事に正しい場所に行けました。携帯が使えなかったためこのまま着けないのではないかとても不安でした。
まだ、アメリカ生活はたった一週間ですが、たくさんのことを学びました。26 日から学校が始まると思うと友達のことや授業について色々不安におもうことがありますが、ホストブラザーも同じ学校に通っているので体に気を付けて笑顔で頑張りたいと思います! 大妻中野の皆さんは、文化祭ですね。頑張ってください!レポートを読んでいただき、感謝いたします。