From Australia – Report on The Great Wheelbarrow Race
A very informative and interesting report reached us from Australia. An exchange student being at St. Andrew’s Catholic College reported to us about her distinctive experience there in Australia!
Hello everyone! I’m Honoka Sugita, one of exchange students here being immersed in the community of St Andrew’s Catholic college, Cairns, Australia. I’ve already spent 5 weeks here and there are only 5 weeks left. In this report, I want to tell you about an interesting race on 17,18 and 19 May.
My host family and I joined in The Great Wheelbarrow Race. It was a very unique race. Participants push an empty wheelbarrow between Mareeba and Chillagoe over 3 days, so we camped 3 nights to follow this race. This race is for the purpose of fundraising for charity.
On the first day of the race, we saw the starting parade. The participating teams walked on the road and they tossed candies to children. My host sisters got a lot of candies and they looked so happy! Also, we cheered our team that were running. In this day I ate a meat pie for lunch. I haven’t eaten it before, but it was really delicious, so I want to eat it once again.
The photo attached is a sunset that I saw. It was very beautiful!
On the second day of the race, we saw the people running and they finished the race. That night, we had a special gathering. At the gathering we watched the day’s highlights and some performances video. In the performance, there was a frog race. It was very interesting to me because I haven’t seen one before. Also, my host mother gave a speech at the gathering. The speech was very wonderful and impressive, so I thought I want to be able to make a speech like her.
On the last day of the race, we joined the closing ceremony. There was a place where you could take a commemorative photo. I held a wheelbarrow at that time. It was heavier than I thought, so I respected those who were running with the wheelbarrows.
This was a valuable experience. I had a very good time and it is a great memory that I won’t forget.
Thank you for reading my report. The season changes in Japan so please take good care of yourself. See you in my next report ?
みなさんこんにちは!オーストラリア・ケアンズにあるセントアンドリュースカトリックカレッジに留学中の杉田帆乃香です。もう留学生活も5週間が過ぎて、残すところ半分となってしまいました。今回のレポートでは、5月の17,18,19日に行われたThe Great Wheelbarrow Raceについてお伝えしようと思います。
私たちが参加した The Great Wheelbarrow Raceはとてもユニークなレースで、空の手押し車をMareebaからChillgoeまで押して走るレースというもので、3日間かけて行われます。そのため私たちは3泊4日のキャンプをしながらの参加となりました。このレースはチャリティーの目的で開かれていることが大切なポイントです。