From Canada – Happy Halloween Report on Burnaby Mountain SS
Happy Halloween note from an exchange student from Canada reached us just now. We are also happy to share her note with you all. Rinka Tomizawa, a 10th grader, is now enrolling at the school for a year exchange program will give you her report, which will make you feel an authentic Halloween. Here we go!
Hi, there! I’m Rinka, a 10th grader of Otsuma Nakano Senior High School and I am now studying as a one-year-exchange international student at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School in Canada. Two months have already passed since I came here. In this report, I will write about Halloween events in my school and my school classes.
First, I will let you know about our Halloween event here. As you know, October 31 is Halloween, so my classmate and I made pumpkin lanterns. My friend, Ana, is from Russia. The pumpkin face she made is so cute!! Please share the following photo with us. The left one is my pumpkin lantern and the right one is my friend’s pumpkin. What do you think of them? Aren’t they cute and pretty?
We also decorated cookies in the shape of a ghost and a pumpkin. A decoration contest has been held by my international students for our lunch time at school. Maybe you might think it funny because my friend and I ate cookies before the contest! Please take a look at another photo. These are the decorated cookies.
Second, I will write about my classes going at school. I have 8 classes in a week and there are only 4 classes a day. I have four ELL classes, Art, P.E, Math, and Dance. There are a lot of international students from lots of different countries at my ELL classes. For example, they are from Russia, Brazil and China. So, I can get to learn many different languages. In addition, my friend, Luis, can speak Japanese very well. Also, I was surprised at only 4 classes a day, because we had 6 or 7 classes in Japan. What’s more interesting to me is that we can listen to music or eat snack during these classes going. I was impressed with the fact that this is the cultural difference.
I have been enjoying such precious experiences in Canada. I want to challenge a lot of things to do and I should study very hard. So, I will always give it a try to do my best for the rest 8 months here in Canada.
Thank you so much for reading my report.
日本の皆さん、こんにちは。私は、大妻中野高校1年で、現在カナダのバーナビー・マウンテン・セカンダリー・スクール(Burnaby Mountain Secondary School)という学校に1年留学をしているりんかです。 私が、カナダに来てからすでに2ヶ月が経ちました。 今回のレポートでは、私の学校で体験したハロウィンのイベントについてと授業について、皆さんに伝えたい思います。
お昼休みに、留学生だけでデコレーションコンテストがありました。私達は、かぼちゃやオバケの形をしたクッキーにデコレーションをしました。しかし、私と私の友達はコンテストの前にそのクッキーを食べてしまいました。 デコレーションをしたクッキーの写真もぜひご覧ください。
次に私の学校の授業について書きます。私は1週間に4つのELLつと美術と体育と数学の8個の授業をとっています。ELLのクラスにはそれぞれ違う国から来た生徒がたくさんいます。たとえば、ロシアやブラジルや中国などです。ですから、このクラスで私はたくさんの国の言葉を知ることができます。私の友達(Luis)の話す日本語はすごく上手です。 私は1日に4つの授業しかないことに驚きました。なぜなら日本では、1日に6か7時間の授業があったからです。