From Australia Report on St. Andrew’s CC_2017 Term 2_170429
We are very pleased to inform that 2017 term 2 exchange program at St. Andrew’s Catholic College started very well with great weather there. Anna Nakayama, one of the exchange students studying at St. Andrew’s will share with you her excellent report on her school life in Cairns, Australia.
Hi! I'm Anna Nakayama from Cairns. 2weeks have passed since Term 2 of 2017started. I can get used to this new environment. My Australia life is so wonderful, too fun, and new to me. All people here are friendly, so I can enjoy talking with them. I wanna live here forever. I'm so lucky to stay here.
The first day for my stay was a holiday in Australia because of Easter. So, we went to a beautiful beach and a pool, where it was very fun. I ate ice cream and sushi near the beach, where there are many stores and restaurants. Unfortunately, many stores were closed because it was Easter. I think that's why a lot Australian people were on my airplane. They told me that in Eater we eat cake and chocolate, so I ate them. They were so good.
At St. Andrew’s, I belong to YEAR 11. YEAR 11 students have a lot of assignments. It's so hard. Our school is so spacious, wonderful, and bright. In the morning, we have a morning tea time. and we can eat something. I love this time. I take a cooking class and we made a lot of butter cakes and Anzac cookies. They were so delicious. Anzac cookie is an Australian original cookie, which we made on Anzac Day. Anzac Day is the day that we remember the soldiers who fought in these previous wars, so the slogan for the day is "lest we forget". I had an Anzac ceremony on last Monday at school. we sang. It was my good experience.
At SIT class, we can learn about hospitality. So, we have some case study and learn about how to maintain places clean anywhere. I like this class. The religion class and English class are difficult for me to understand. In religion class, we learned about BUDDIST ritual. After school, I searched the words which I didn't know, which enables me to understand the classes. At English class, we learned about discrimination. I like math class it's easy for me to understand.
In Japanese class I can understand both languages, English and Japanese. I am learning English now and other students are learning Japanese. They are very good at Japanese, so it is good influence on me. I can get to know how to Australian people learn Japanese. We have many Japanese words that we can't translate to English because of cultural differences. For example "もったえない", so sometimes it's difficult to explain them to Australian people.
I have a biology class where we are learning about organism that has significant impact on society. I like this biology class. I have my biology assignment, which I'll research about toads. It's very interesting. I'm looking forward to my research.
In lunch time, I joined the chess club. and we did chess with kids. The kids are very cute.
On this Friday we ate a birthday cake at school on morning because my classmate was birthday. it was so fun.
Monday night I went to Night Market with my sister and her friends. There are many Koala dolls and souvenirs and food. It was so fun there and I talked a lot with them. I taught some Japanese words to them, so they used Japanese word in our conversation. I was very happy with it. From the place of the Night Market, I saw a beautiful scene.
On every weekend we go to beach. It's so fun!! I have a good time on everyday dinner with my host family.
Thank you so much for reading my report from Cairns. See you in two weeks. I'll try to do my best in Australia.
クッキングのクラスでは、私たちはたくさんのバターケーキ、カップケーキ、そしてAnzac cookieを作りました。 Anzac Cookieは、オーストラリアオリジナルのものでとても美味しいです。火曜日にあるAnzac Dayのために作りました。Anzac Dayとは兵士が戦ったのを追悼するものです。標語は" lest we forget"です。私も月曜日に学校でAnzac ceremonyに参加しました。私にとって、とてもいい経験になりたした。Anzac Dayはニュースにも大きく取り上げられ、学校でもceremonyがあるくらいオーストラリアにとってとても大事な日です。
SITのクラスでは、hospitality(ホテルなどで人をおもてなしする方法)について学んでいます。case studyや、あらゆるところを清潔に保つ方法など学べて、私はこの授業がとても好きです。英語と宗教のクラスは私にとって難しいですが、学校が終わってわからない単語の意味を調べると理解できます。宗教の授業では、仏教の儀式について学んでいます。英語の授業では差別について学びました。数学はとても理解が簡単で好きです。
日本語のクラスでは、両方の言語が理解できます。オーストラリアの日本語選択の学生が日本語が上手なので私が英語を学ぶ上で良い影響になっています。オーストラリアの人々がどのように、日本語を学んでるかも知ることができます。いくつかの言葉は慣習の違いなどで訳すことができません。なのでオーストラリアの人々に日本語の言葉を説明するのが難しいです。例えば、もったえない です。日本はもったえないという概念がありますがオーストラリアにはないので上手に訳すことができません。
金曜日には、クラスメイトが誕生日だったので朝から学校でbirthday cakeを食べました。
月曜日の夜にはsisterとsisterの友達とNight Marketに行きました。たくさんお土産やコアラの人形、食べ物がありとても楽しめました。私が日本語の言葉を教えると会話の中で彼女達は日本語を使ってくれてとても嬉しかったです。ラグーンプールの近くの美しい景色も見ました。