
From Ireland, Report on Exchange at Dundalk Grammar School, 2020.04.01.

From Ireland, Report on Exchange at Dundalk Grammar School, 2020.04.01.

Hello everyone. I am Rikako Yasuda, studying in Dundalk Grammar School in Ireland. Right now, my school has been closed because of the government decision until March 29th.  I don’t go to school, but I am still studying English and taking class from my home using online. To be honest, teachers gave us more assignment than usual. So, it is harder than the time when I go to school, and now it is boring because there is no activity and I have to do just hard work. But this month must be a good opportunity for me to learn how to write a good essay. I will do my best and staying safe. Anyhow in this report, I would like to write about three different events.

The first event is Multicultural day. My school has 64 cultures and we celebrate each other.   I am in that event community, and I am in charge of the whole school decoration. I have made a “cho-chin”, a world map, which shows how many students come from each country, a sign bord, a banner and something much more we made.  Also, I worked for making contact with various embassies. We contacted more than 50 embassies, and to invite this event.  As a result, 8 embassies and 2 associations including Japanese Association said, ”Yes”.  We were so tired, but it made us so happy.

On the other hand, I was preparing for my Japanese store with my Irish friends. We made “Senbazuru”, sushi and okonomiyaki, and also we were supposed to make miso-soup at that time.  However, one day before the event, unfortunately, Multicultural day was cancelled because of corona virus – COVID-19. We were so excited and had been working really really hard. So, we were crying and having a sad party. They ate sushi and okonomiyaki that I have made before. And the head master said, “We will do in May. I hope I am staying in Ireland that time and I want to enjoy that day”.

The second event was First Drive. This was one of the TY programs and we could take a lesson about how to drive a car. My last driving was when I was 12 years old in KidZania Tokyo.  So, I was worried if I might crash my car into something at that time. However, the instructor was really nice and funny, so I really enjoyed that time. But it was so hard for me to control the gas and to turn corners. And my friends and I became very sick after my driving.

The last event was St. Patrick’s Day. This is one of the big important events in Ireland. In Dublin, it was supposed to hold on this big parade to celebrate the day, but it was also cancelled because of corona virus -COVID 19.  So we celebrated the day at home to stay safe. We were wearing something green clothes and eating Irish food and enjoying Irish dance with them.

I really appreciate that I could continue Irish life in these days. I want to do more good experience in here as long as possible. I don’t forget to sing Happy Birthday song twice during washing hands and keeping in safe myself.  Thank you for reading.

Unfortunately, due to the situation regarding the impact of spread of coronavirus, I was forced to get back to Japan.  However, my journey never ends.


一つ目はMulticultural dayです。わたしの学校は64の異なる文化からできていて、お互いにその文化の多様性をお祝いするイベントです。私は実行委員に所属していて、さらに装飾部門の責任者を務めています。私は提灯、各文化に何人いるかを示した世界地図、たくさんのポスター、業者さんと一緒に横断幕も作りました。また、私は大使館部門もお手伝いしました。私たちは50以上の大使館に、ご招待をする電話をしました。結果、8つの大使館と日本を含む2つの組織の皆さんが来てくださることになりました。私たちはとても疲れましたが、とても達成感でいっぱいでした。


二つ目はFirst Driveです。これはTYのプログラムで、私たちは教習所に行って車の運転を習うことができます。私が最後に運転したのはキッザニア東京へ行った12歳のときだったため、何かに追突したり、破壊するのではと心配でした。したしインストラクターさんがとても親切で面白い方で、すごく楽しむことができました。しかし、案の定、アクセルやブレーキのコントロールが難しかったり、曲がり角のコントロールが難しくすごく酔ってしまいました。

三つ目はSt. Patrick’s Dayです。このイベントはアイルランドでとても大きく大切です。首都ダブリンでは大規模なパレードが催しされる予定でしたがコロナの影響でキャンセルとなりました。そのため私たちは大人しく家でパーティーをしました。私たちは緑の服を着てアイルランド料理を食べました。またホストファミリーとアイリッシュダンスをしました。楽しかったです。


☛ 最終的には、3月いっぱいで日本に帰国を余儀なくされましたが、私の留学JOURNEYは続きます。

