
From New Zealand – Another Report on New Plymouth Girls’ HS

Here is another report by one of the term 2 student, Miku Oshita, from New Plymouth Girls’ High School.  It is great to share her report with you all.

Hello, everyone. I’m one of the term 2 exchange students now studying at New Plymouth Girls’ High in New Zealand.  It is almost a month since I came to New Zealand.  These days here have been very fun and fulfilling for me.  As for my host family, my host mother is a Japanese and host father is a Kiwi.  They have two children, who are very cute and kind to me.  At home, I don’t speak Japanese, but since my host mother is a Japanese, so the food and atmosphere are comfortable, and I enjoy being with them very much.  My host sisters are very young and often go out with me on weekends.

In this report, I will let you know about Paratutu, which we climbed up two weeks ago.  Paritutu is a big rock, but it looks small as a mountain.  It takes me an hour to climb up to the summit, though..  There are 222-storied stairways at the beginning, and when you finish walking up on the stairs, you start climbing with the help of chains.  I didn’t have much experience of climbing mountains, so it was tough, but when I reached the top, I felt comfortable and wanted to climb up here again. From the summit, you can see the sea and the streets.  It was sunny, so I felt good.

At school, the local students and teachers speak English very fast, so it is quite difficult to understand their English, but I give it the best try to do everything and try my best for the rest of the time to stay here.

Thank you so much for reading my report on New Plymouth Girls’ High School.

皆さんこんにちは。私はニュージーランドのNew PlymouthにあるNew Plymouth Girls’ High に留学しています。もうすぐニュージーランドに来て1ヶ月が経とうとしています。私にとってこの23日間はとても楽しく、充実した日々となっています。


このレポートでは2週間前の週末に登った“Paratutu”についてお話します。 Paritutu は大きな岩で、山にしては小さいのですが、頂上まで登るのに1時間かかりました。222段の階段が上る始めにあり、登り終えると鎖を使って登り始めます。私は山登りなどをしたことがあまりなかったので大変でしたが、頂上に着いた時の達成感は心地よく、また登りたいと思えました。頂上からは海と街が一望でき、晴れていたので、気持ちが良かったです。

