
From Australia_Exchange Report on St. Andrew’s CC_180429

From Australia_Exchange Report on St. Andrew's CC_180429
A new report on our exchange program with St. Andrew's Catholic College, a sister school in Australia, has reached us just right now.  Ayana Ukida, a Term 2 exchange student for St. Andrew's, reports us about her life in Cairns.
G'day mate!!  I am Ayana Ukida, a current exchange student studying at St Andrew's Catholic College, in Cairns, Australia. 
It's been two week since I arrived here. I feel that everyday is fulfilling and passes soon. It's the second time for me to study abroad in Cairns, but I have already experienced a lot. In this report, I would like to write about what I have experienced in this week.
I take the same class as my buddy at school. I feel that a mathematic class is difficult, because I didn't know the names of shapes and formula in English and I didn't know how to use a calculator before that. I practiced how to use the calculator and now I understand the class somehow.
I belong to a vollyball club at school. A lot of students belong to the vollyball club and we do training and play games with us all. We train every Monday after school and in vollyball games we fight with boys and girls. Everyone are enjoying and always laughing. I like this time very much.
My host family is a family of six and two dogs. They're very kind and fun. We can always find someone singing at home and it's very lively. On the weekend I went to an outdoor pool with fish objects called Esplanade. This season the weather was nice so the view was beautiful. And during this week we celebrated my host father's birthday. We bought a piece of cake and sang a happy birthday song.
25th April was a very important ceremony day for Australia. It's called ANZAC day. ANZAC day stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. On the day, people remember Australia and New Zealand soldiers who fought in the battle of Gallipoli during the world war one. After the world war two, it became an anniversary for all Australian soldiers who participated in the wars. The school was closed because ANZAC day is a public holiday. At the ANZAC day people march with military uniforms and decorated with poppy flowers and eat ANZAC biscuits. It is a very big ceremony so it is always broadcasted on TV.
Thank you so much for reading my report. I hope all of you there enjoyed it.
皆さんこんにちは!! オーストラリア、セントアンドリュース カトリック カレッジに留学中の浮田彩菜です。ケアンズに到着して2週間がたちました。とても充実していて毎日が早く過ぎているように感じます。ケアンズに留学するのは2回目なのですが、沢山のことを学んだり経験しました。今回は私が経験したことについて書きたいと思います。
4月25日はオーストラリアにとって大切な式典がありました。それはANZAC dayと言います。ANZAC dayとはAustralia and New Zeaand Army Corpsの略で第1次世界大戦のガリポリの戦いで戦ったオーストラリアとニュージーランドの兵士たちへ追悼をします。第2次世界大戦後はこれまでの戦争に参加した全てのオーストラリア兵士のための記念日に変わっています。ANZAC dayは祝日なので学校はお休みです。この日は軍服を着たり、花のポピーを飾ったりANZACビスケットを食べたりします。とても大きい式典なのでテレビ中継もされます。