
東京芸大_副学長・松下功先生の講演とアートプレゼンテーション-Lecture Presentation on Arts – Prof. Isao Matsushita, vice-president of Tokyo University of the Arts

Lecture Presentation on Arts – Prof. Isao Matsushita, vice-president of Tokyo University of the Arts


Otsuma Nakano is proud to announce that a special lecture presentation on arts will be held on September 19th, Saturday at Cosmos Agora in Otsuma Nakano School.  This lecture presentation will be offered by Prof. Isao Matsushita, vice-present of Tokyo University of the Arts on the subject of “What is the role of the Arts in this interconnected world or global society?”


Otsuma Nakano is now moving forward in the direction of focusing on international – multi-cultural understanding education.  In particular, we are paying attention to the potential power of the “arts” in global educations. 


This academic year, 2015, Otsuma Nakano School is officially designated as one of the educational role model schools for “Super Global Education” by the Ministry of Education of Japan. So, our school is now promoting some new project.  This presentation by Prof. Isao Matsushita, vice-president of Tokyo University of the Arts is one of the greatest program options we have been offering.


In this presentation, we are planning to present some workshops of arts and quick music performance by the students of Tokyo University of the Arts.


This presentation program will be provided under the coordination with the Parents Committee of Otsuma Nakano School, so this is for the parents and students of Otsuma Nakano School only.


This program details are provided below;

Date: September 19th, (Saturday)

Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Location: Otsuma Nakano Junior and Senior High School, Cafeteria Agora, 2-3-4, Kamitakada, Nakano-ku, Tokyo


To apply or learn more information, contact the office of Otsuma Nakano Junior and Senior High School.

03-3389-7211 or toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp


 今年度の第1回保護者セミナー(担当:父母後援会文化部)として、東京芸術大学副学長の松下 功(まつした いさお)先生を本校にお招きし、「グローバル社会における芸術の役割」というテーマでの講演会を以下の通り、実施いたします。





1 日  時:  平成27年9月19日(土)午後2時~4時

2 場  所:  本校 COSMOSアゴラ

3 講  師:  松下 功(まつした いさお)先生

4 演  題: 「グローバル社会における芸術の役割」


5  講師略歴:   東京芸術大学副学長(研究担当)・演奏藝術センター教授、(社)日本作曲家協議会会長、     アンサンブル東風代表、東京芸術大学、及び同大学院にて作曲を南弘明、黛敏郎に師事



              1985年、ドイツ・メンヒェングラードバッハ市国際コンクール1位 1986年、入野賞受賞





              1999年~2004年 アジア作曲家連盟(英語版)会長

