【UNIVERSE】 大妻中野中学校・高等学校 校長 野﨑 裕二

今回のテーマ「Universe」については、次のような生徒たちの思いが込められています。 『約138億年前に誕生した宇宙は、今も様々な星が共存し、生命が息づいている。そんな果てしない宇宙のように、私たちには経験したことがないことや出会っていない人が星の数ほど存在している。無限の可能性を秘める地球に住む私たち一人一人が多様性を尊重し、輝く社会の実現に向けて行動を起こしていきたい。』
今年度の秋桜祭“Global Arts Festival”「Universe」において、生徒たち一人一人が「今ある社会」や「変化していく社会」を見つめ、自分のなすべきことを考え、行動し、将来の自分の生き方や自然と共存していける社会の在り方を、仲間とともに、そして参加してくださる皆様とともに構想していける場になることを願っています。

Greeting From Principal on Otsuma Nakano Global Arts Festival 2022-Yuji Nozaki

The effects of the long-term spread of the COVID-19 are so profound that they will be etched in human memory for years to come. It has impacted not only our daily lives, but also our education, healthcare, transportation, economy, employment, tourism, relationships, sports, entertainment, international exchange, and so much more. In the face of these enormous changes, where should our "Earth-ship" go?

However, regardless of the pandemic situation, our school has been able to present our culture festival in a new style thanks to the effort of our students, who have continued to make various innovations. This year, we have further advanced and built on the quality of our festival, based on our experiences and we are very happy and proud of our students for making this possible. I would like to thank everyone who has played a central role in the preparation of the festival and all those who have supported us over the years.

Why did our students choose "Universe" as the theme of this year’s Global Arts Festival? I know they put the following thoughts into the theme. “The Universe was born about 13.8 billion years ago, and even today, countless stars coexist in the Universe, and life endures. In such an endless universe, there are so many things that we have never experienced and people we have never met. We would like to take action toward the realization of a society where each of us, living on an earth that holds infinite possibilities, respects diversity and shines." I believe that all of Otsuma Nakano students wholehearted share the notion to think positively and “take a step further” no matter what the circumstances.

While living to prevent the spread of infection over a long period of time has become a habit, human must endeavor for the sake of humanity. At the same time, we realize that disasters due to global warming and other factors are increasing every year. Where should the "Earth-ship" we are on be headed while facing many challenges? We believe that the theme of this year's event will be an opportunity for everyone to think about these issues from various perspectives and to take action. Last but not least, we as Earthlings face several challenges, but we also must consider beyond what is lying in front of us. In this context, the theme this year also gives us all an opportunity to think and act to work towards the kind of society we shall aim for by examining society today and the changes within it. I hope students and participants can work as peers to reconsider what each of us can do for a better future.