
オーストラリア・グリフィス大学との連携授業に参加 – AI をテーマに

2022年3月に行われた 東京都立多摩科学技術高等学校がホストになっているオーストラリア ・グリフィス大学との連携授業に本校の生徒も参加させていただきました。AIとドローンをテーマにして、3回のシリーズで行われており、その最終回です。 そのプログラムに参加した本校生徒、K.K.さんのフィードバックを紹介します。チャレンジすること、進路選択をグローバルな視野でとらえることを重視する本校の教育をよく表すレポートです。世界に向けて発信したいと思います。

In March 2022, our students participated in a collaborative class with Griffith University in Australia, hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Science and Technology High School. The class was the last of a series of three lectures on the theme of AI and drones. The following is a feedback report from one of our students, K.K., who participated in the program. This report is a good representation of our school’s emphasis on challenging oneself and taking a global perspective in choosing a career path. We would like to share it with the world.

グリフィス大学のAIとドローンに関する授業に参加させていただきました。 これまで、漠然と海外大学に魅力を感じ、自由な校風に憧れを抱いていましたが、さらに魅力を感じるようになった授業参加になりました。


次に、このプログラムの最も重要な点と感じた「授業の行われ方」についてです。前述した通り、情報社会はまだ未知の世界で様々な問題が浮き彫りになっていますが、この問題を少しでも解決の方向へ持っていくには、その分野の知識だけでは解決できないことにハッとさせられました。 特に海外の大学はリベラルアーツ教育を行なっていて、クラス内には多種多様なバックグラウンドを持つクラスメイトがおり、自分が興味を持ち研究した分野の知識を持ち寄ることで、初めて1つのデータが確立されるのだと気づきました。これは、企業においても同じことが言えると思います。


このような機会を与えてくださった先生方に感謝します。  これからも自分の夢を追求するとともに、自ら選択肢を狭めないために日々学習していきます。

I participated in an online class on drones at Griffith University. I was vaguely attracted to foreign universities and longed for their liberal school culture, but I felt even more attracted to Griffith University, so I would like to give a brief reflection on my participation.

What I felt on the “knowledge side” through this class was that my understanding of the definition of the term “information society” and its impact on society is really only a part of it, and that it is still an unknown world amidst all the noise about the metaverse and 5G. As a member of S-TEAM myself, I feel that we are blind to the fact that it is extremely difficult to simultaneously pursue measures to address environmental issues and technological advancements at the same time. This is also true for drone flights: the heavier the package to be delivered, the lower the energy efficiency, which in turn increases CO2 emissions, ultimately leading to the conclusion that truck transportation is more efficient and eco-friendlier. This issue has not yet been resolved and requires immediate action.

Next, I would like to talk about “how classes are conducted,” which is probably the number one objective of this program. As mentioned above, the information society is still an unknown world and various problems are emerging, but I was surprised to learn that knowledge in the field alone is not enough to solve these problems. In particular, since I heard that this school offers a liberal arts education, I realized that classmates have diverse backgrounds, and that data can only be established when they bring their knowledge of the fields they are interested in and have researched. I think the same can be said for companies.

For example, drones require knowledge and technical skills, but if we do not look at the fundamental issues before that, such as whether the infrastructure is in place and whether there are any legal violations, then it only looks good on paper. To prevent this from happening, I was attracted to overseas universities that actively incorporate interactive classes, where the professor does not speak to the students in a one-way manner, but rather engages in dialogue with classmates around him who have their own areas of expertise.

I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity.  I will continue to study every day in order to pursue my dream and not to narrow my own options.
