
From Canada – Final Report on School life in Burnaby, Canada

From Canada – now it is great for us all to share the following final report on a study abroad program at Byrne Creek Community School, Burnaby, Canada

Hello, I’m J. O. and completed my exchange program abroad at Byrne Creek Community School in Canada. This is the final report for me.  It was getting hot and one day, it was over 40 degrees. It was too hot because there is not much air conditioner in Canada, so we were standing its heat with electric fan. I  spent a lot of time with my host family and friends in this month. I went to the beach, downtown and many places.

In Canada, I baked cookies and muffins with my host family. We could not bake well at first, but we baked well from the second time. We baked chocolate cookies, peanut butter cookies, banana muffins and blueberry muffins. I like banana muffins the best. I do not bake anything in Japan, but now I know how to bake so I’ll bake cookies and muffins after I back to Japan. Also, my host mother taught me how to make spinach dip. I like to eat spinach dip with crackers or breads.

It was the final day of my school on June 24th. At lunch time, students were very noisy. They were throwing eggs, water, and something. I felt like I was in a movie. I had friends and teachers write messages on my hoodie. I gave something to my friends and my friends gave me some gifts too.

I cannot believe that 10 months passed. I made a lot of memories with my good friends and my host family in these 10 months. I was sad and crying a few days before I returned to Japan, so I am thinking of coming back to Canada someday! Hopefully, my host family will come to Japan next year, so I am excited.

I had a lot of incredibly good experiences studying abroad!  I am grateful to all the people who supported and helped me with my study abroad.

Finally, thank you for reading my reports.

こんにちは、カナダのByrne Creek Community School に留学していたJ.O.です。これが私の最後のレポートになります。最近は暑くなってきて、ある日は40度越えになりました。カナダのお家にはあまりエアコンがないのでとても暑かったですが、扇風機を使っていました。


ホストファミリーと一緒にクッキーやマフィンを焼きました。最初はうまく焼くことができませんでしたが、二回目からは上手に焼くことが出来ました。チョコレートクッキー、ピーナッツバタークッキー、バナナマフィン、ブルーベリーマフィンなどを作りました。私はバナナマフィンが一番好きです。 日本で私は何かを焼いたりすることはあまりなかったのですが、作り方を覚えたので日本に帰ってからも作りたいと思います。また、ホストマザーがほうれん草ディップの作り方も教えてくれました。私はこのディップをクラッカーやパンと一緒に食べるのが好きです。








