
TED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHS – A Light Within the Darkness 

TED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHS – 本校生徒たちが公式 TED イベントにチャレンジしました!

TED(Technology Entertainment Design)は、世界中の著名人によるさまざまな講演会を開催・配信している非営利団体です。マイクロソフトの創業者のひとり・ビル・ゲイツや、アップルの生みの親であるスティーブ・ジョブズ登壇したことあるクリエィティブなカンファレンス・講演会として世界中で有名です。

TEDxは、TEDの精神である”ideas worth spreading” 「広める価値のあるアイデア」のもと、TEDからライセンスを受け、世界各地で発足しているコミュニティのことを言います。日本でも、TED x Tokyo などさまざまなTEDの承認を受けたチームが、オリジナルのアイデアの発表を行っています。今回のTED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHS ではこのTEDの理念に基づき、本校の高校 3 年生を主体とした高校 2,3 年生の 9 人が、本校のオリジナルテーマである “A Light Within the Darkness” (暗闇の中の光)のもと、様々なスピーチを行い、その動画を配信しました。 本来であれば、本校をTEDの公式会場として観客を入れてのライブ開催を計画していましたが、コロナ禍による緊急事態宣言下となりYoutubeでの開催です。

この TED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHS の運営チームの代表である高校3年生 C. O.さんの言葉を紹介します。

TED x Otemachi LIVE 2019 – Bigger Than Us – を訪れて以来、このイベントを開催することが夢だったので、高校の最後の年にTED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHSを開催することができ、とても嬉しく感じます。以前も校内でのイベントの企画・主催に携わってきましたが、参加者との交流や先生方との交渉など、他のイベントとは異なり、別のレベルで人と関わることができました。また、運営チームを持つことで、チームのアイデアや意見に耳を傾けながら、役割分担を行うなど、今まで以上にリーダーシップ力を育むことができました。全体として、準備段階で多くの障害に直面しましたが、様々な人々と力を合わせ、状況を一つずつ打破できたことに大変うれしく思います。最後に、運営チームのR.S.、Y.S.さん、E. Y.さん、スピーカーの皆様、そして準備段階の一番最初から支えてくれたMr. Vickers に心より感謝申し上げます。


さらに、このTED x Youth @ OtsumaNakanoHSにスピーカーとして参加した生徒の一人、M.T. さんの言葉です。


Overview:  TED x Youth@OtsumaNakano is an event run by H3 students in the GLC course, with the support of Mr. Vickers. This event will feature talks of 9 students both from the H2 and H3 grade of this school, all of which will share “ideas worth spreading,” as it is the concept of every TED-related event. A TED x event is a locally planned, and locally held event which follows the official TED-format. More specifically, a TED xYouth event refers to TED-style events designed and organized by young people, under the supervision of 1 adult per 15-20 individuals, in our case Mr. Vickers.

Purpose : The purpose of this event is to deliver students’ ideas worth spreading through the TED x platform. Another motive to hold this is to share message to youths that they will be able to accomplish much more than they assume, and that young voices matter. These points mentioned are of significant importance, for they play a crucial role in constructing one’s self-esteem, which will lead to the development of other necessary skills.

We would like to share the following comment from a student, leader of the Organizing Team, Ms. C. O.

With holding this event a dream of mine ever since I visited TED x Otemachi LIVE 2019 “Bigger Than Us,” I am blessed to hold TED x Youth @OtsumaNakanoHS in my senior year at ON.

Though I had previous involvement organizing events, this experience was like no other, for it required me to interact with the participants, negotiate with teachers, and be strict about deadlines on another level. Having a team of my own throughout the journey also nurtured my ability to equal y distribute workload and give out instructions, while also listening to my team’s ideas and opinions. Overal , though we encountered many obstacles, and preparation was undeniably difficult, I was able to push through, because I was not alone. I wil cherish this experience for the rest of my life, and would like to thank R.S., Y. S. and E. Y. of my organizing team, all of the speakers, and Mr. Vickers who supported me from the very beginning of the preparation stage.

Consequently, we wrap up this report with the following comment from one of the speakers of the TED even, M. T.

It was an honor to participate in the TED x Youth@OtsumaNakanoHS held online on May 9th. As a student speaker, I was very worried about whether it wil be held due to the proliferation of COVID-19, and my worries increased even more when the State of Emergency was announced.

Yet, I was amazed at how the organizing team worked flexibly under these difficult circumstances, and decided to hold this event online instead of giving up. Al of the student speakers shared creative, distinctive ideas which directly matched TED’s philosophy of “Ideas worth spreading”, and I enjoyed watching the talks very much. What’s more, I was able to gain new perspectives and solutions to keep in mind when encountering difficult times. I wil treasure al the things this event has given to me, and keep on moving under the “darkness”, remembering that there is always a way to find the “light”. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the teachers and the organizing team for supporting and hosting this event. Thank you al very much for this spectacular experience!
