
From Canada – CHEER UP message to 受験生 from Exchange Student!

いよいよ中学入試も近づいてきました。 大妻中野は、このような中でも、グローバル・ゲイトとして、中学受験をする皆さんへに、応援メッセージを世界から送ります。 カナダの大妻中野生からのメッセージです!

From Burnaby, Canada, a very special CHEER-UP message reached us to share it with all juken sei – expecting Otsuma Nakano new comer students who will take the exams in the coming Feb. 1st through 4th.   Here we go!

Hello, everyone, I’m M.H, an exchange student studying at Burnaby south secondary school in Canada.  Here in Burnaby, it’s colder than the last month.  As for my school, the current quarter will be done very soon.  Then, the next quarter will start.

We have not had special events this month, so I will talk about my friend and my teacher.

Last month, my friend gave me a Christmas gift, so this month, I gave her a gift in return for the Christmas’s gift.  It was some Japanese snacks and the Japanese rice. (Sato no Gohan)  She was happy about it.  A few days later, she texted to me about the Japanese rice. She said “ I want to make a rice ball!”  We cannot hang out because of Covid-19, so I taught her how to make a rice ball on the chat. It was very difficult to teach how to make a rice ball, but she made it very well, and she liked it.

Also, in the Quarter 1, I gave my math teacher a calligraphy brush. She liked it, and she asked me to write something in Japanese on the paper using the brush, so I wrote two kinds of sentences in Japanese and gave it to her. A few days ago, I went to her classroom. She decorated her classroom with them, which made me feel very happy and proud!

I’m so happy that they like Japanese culture.  My daily life is hard because of Covid-19, but I will do my best!

みなさんこんにちは!カナダのBurnaby south secondary schoolに留学中のM.Hです。バーナビーは最近先月よりもさらに寒くなってきました。今学期がもうすぐ終わり、次の学期が始まります。 今月は特別な行事がなかったので、私の友達と先生について話したいと思います。







Your efforts will be rewarded! Do your best! I hope you will have good results!
