
New Year Message from Dr Free President of the University of Saint Joseph


Now an impressive and inspiring note has just reached us from the States on the kick off day of the new term.  It’s our privilege to share the following message by Dr. Rhona Free, President of the University Saint Joseph, our partner university in Connecticut, the United States of America.

To Otsuma Nakano students from friends at the University of Saint Joseph in Connecticut.

There is snow on the ground here in Connecticut, but the sky is bright blue and the USJ campus looks beautiful. We are eager to have students back on campus from their winter break in a few weeks.  Like you, we are hoping for a return to normal as soon as possible.  In the coming semester there will still be many restrictions and special safety procedures in place but by summer things should have returned to the way they were before COVID.

“On our campus in Connecticut as we start the new academic term, we feel great appreciation for how science and creativity and human resilience have come together to create hope for a healthy 2021. Around the world we have been reminded in the last year of how education and research are vital to advancing our well-being, and how coming together to share arts and culture gives our lives meaning and joy. I wish Otsuma Nakano students great success as they learn, make new friends, and nurture their creative talents this year.”

Warm regards to all.  Rhona

Rhona C. Free,  Ph.D.

President of the University of Saint Joseph

1678 Asylum Avenue,  West Hartford, CT 06117



– 日本語訳 –


ここコネティカットでは雪が降り積もっていますが、空はくっきりとした青。本学セントジョセフ大学のキャンパスが美しく映えています。私たちは今、学生たちが冬休みを終え、このキャンバスに戻ってくるのを心待ちしています。 私たちも大妻中野の皆さんと同じように、できるだけ早く元の日常に戻れることを願っています。次の学期でも、安全のために多くの制限がある学生生活となるでしょう。しかし、夏までには何とかこのコロナ禍の前のような生活に戻ってほしいと願ってやみません。


大妻中野のすべての皆さんへ 敬意をこめて

ローナ・フリー セントジョセフ大学学長

