
From Canada – Make Real Move into the World Again

To make our move into the world again in spite of these situations of “global lockdown”, thanks to the Government of Canada and the Board Education of Burnaby School District, M.H. and J.O. Sophomore students of Otsuma Nakano, Otsuma Nakano students have kicked off their study abroad programs there in Burnaby, Canada.  We would be grateful if you could share the reports on their current study in Canada!

Hello, I’m M. H..  I’m an exchange student to study abroad for a year in Burnaby, Canada.  It’s my great pleasure to share my experience in Canada with everyone.

I arrived in Canada on August 24th. There were few people at the airport because of COVID-19, which made me greatly surprised.  What’s more, I had to spend two weeks for self-quarantine in my homestay room. However, my host family kindly brought me a meal to my room.  I felt the happiness of freedom at this time.

There had been school orientations online during the quarantine. This picture is my school. My school name is Burnaby South Secondary School, which I go to by bus and train.  My school is supposed to proceed with 8 subjects at the same.  However,  I’m studying 2 subjects for 10 weeks because of the change of our school curriculum due to COVID-19.  Also, out school attendance time differs depending on the grade.  In this way, there are various measures.

This is my school schedule. Each class is for about 80 minutes, so it’s longer than a class of Japanese schools.

Canada is there located next to the U.S.  So, it was affected by a wildfire in the U.S. This picture is the one to compare the view of that time and the normal time.  The color of the sky was different, and the air was bad.

My host family has 10 years old boy. He is very energetic. My host family is very bright. I baked cake with them on holiday.  It was so fun!!

I would like to give everything my best try, and I’ll take care of my health. Thank you for reading my report.



隔離中に学校のオリエンテーションがオンラインで行われました。この写真は私の学校です。私の学校はBurnaby South Secondary Schoolというところで家からバスと電車を使って通学しています。私の学校は1年間で8科目を同時に学んでいく予定でした。しかし、コロナの影響で大きく変わり10週間で2科目を学ぶという形になりました。また、登校時間も密を避けるため学年ごとで異なります。このように学校では様々な対策が行われています。





Hello, everyone! I’m J. O., studying abroad for one year at Byrne Creek Community School.

I arrived in Canada on August 24th.  It’s been a month since I arrived in Canada. The first two weeks after arriving were self-quarantine period under the influence of COVID-19. There was an orientation of international students online during this period.

My school started at September 11th.  On the day when I went to school for the first time, I was very nervous. However, teachers of the school were kind and some students talked to me, which made me feel relaxed and welcomed.

Currently, I’m taking robotics class and ELL class this semester. This year is divided into four semesters due to the influence of COVID-19.  I often ask my friends and teachers because sometimes I don’t understand some topics in robotics classes. My friends and teacher taught me politely. In the ELL class, I made friends with international students from other countries. We taught each other their first language during break time. I was happy to have friends who liked Japanese.

Other international students are better at speaking English , but they are not good at spelling. In my view, most Japanese are good at writing skill, but I was surprised that students from other countries are better at speaking.

I often go out with my host family on weekends.  I went to COSTCO on a Saturday at the end of this month. I also like COSTCO in Japan, so it was fun. My host family is mom, dad, grandma and two male college students. I like my host family, food, home and everything!

I would like to spend the 9 months from now to stay here with cherishing and having fun. Thank you for reading!

こんにちは!カナダのByrne Creek Community Schoolに1年留学しているJ.O.です。8月24日にカナダに到着し、1か月が経ちました。今年はコロナウイルスの影響で到着した日からの2週間は隔離生活でした。この期間に、オンラインで留学生向けのオリエンテーションがありました。





残りの9か月を大切に、楽しく過ごします。 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。
