
From Ireland Resilience and Colorful Experiences at Dundalk GS

It is our great pleasure to share the updated report from Ireland.  Rikako will share all of you with her ambitious and colorful experiences there in Ireland.

Hello everyone. This is Rikako Yasuda, an international exchange student studying at Dundark Grammar School in Ireland.  Surprisingly, I think the cold weather in Ireland is the same as that of Tokyo.  I have a lot of events in the coming February, and I don’t have any events especially this month because I’m preparing very hard now. Anyhow, in this report, I’d like to talk about my burnt fingers and my school works.

The first story is about my fingers. Before the last Christmas, I burned my finger while pouring hot water, and the lid of the kettle fell on my finger. My host father and I tried to go to the pharmacy, but it was closed due to Christmas. After Christmas, we went to the pharmacy and I had the condition of my fingers checked and gave me a burnt gel. Little by little, my fingers were getting better, but I was still worried about scars and pus. So, after the Christmas vacation, I talked to the school office about it. I said to her, “Could I go to the hospital?”, but she said, “No, I should go to the doctor.” I had been very confused because I had thought a hospital and a doctor meaning the same thing. So, I asked her what the difference between a hospital and a doctor. She told me that the hospital was when you had a very bad illness and the doctor was when you got a small injury or illness. Now the scar on my finger is gone and looks like normal skin. Through this accident I was able to learn new and interesting things.

The second story is about my school work. This month, we were preparing for the three main things. The first thing is for Green school.  We are preparing for YEA (Young Environmentalist Awards Programme honours the work of young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who protect, conserve and enhance our environment through local environmental projects, making a difference to their lives and the lives of others locally and globally). We are planning to make a bord game which is about climate action, and we will do presentation for ECO-UNESCO about it. We are also giving it a try to change the Recycle Bin system. They were very impressed to hear about the Japanese recycling system. So, the teacher decided that I was in charge of the project. It is very hard to manage it at the same time as YEA. But I will do my best.

The second is the trade fair in the shopping center. In the project of “Grow Your Own”, we are making pesto and bags for sunflower seeds. We’ve already made six pots of pesto, but we need more to sell. Also, the teacher entrusts me with the design of the company. I was so happy to get the job and I finished that work.

The third is Multicultural Day. There are various students with more than fifty different nationalities in my school. On that day, we as a school community will come together to celebrate the diversity and differences among us. I am a member of the Executive Committee, and I am a reader of the Decoration section as well. Eight students of my section and I planned to make a huge world map and showed the number of students from all over the world. So, we’re still researching to ask students for holes. We hope to create amazing decorations and make them more glamorous. At the same time, I am a member of an Irish music club. I play “Tin Whistle”, which looks similar to a recorder, so we do a concert on Culture Day. In addition to playing the Tin Whistle, I will also sing Irish songs as solo. I really need to practice them much more.

That’s it. Thank you for reading my report.

みなさんこんにちは。アイルランドのDundalk Grammar schoolに留学している安田理花子です。意外にも東京の寒さとアイルランドの寒さにそこまで違いはなく、元気に過ごせております。私は2月にたくさんのイベントが待っているので、今月はその準備に追われています。さて、今回のリポートでは火傷した指についてと準備している行事について書きたいと思います。


二つ目は学校のことです。今月は主に3つのことを準備しています。一つ目はGreen Schoolです。私たちはYEAというECO-UNESCOが主催している大会のために準備しています。そこで私たちは地球温暖化についてどんな世代の人でも学べるようなボードゲームを一から作っています。また、それについてのプレゼンテーションをECO-UNESCOでやるために日々練習しています。さらに、私たちはそれとは別で学校のリサイクルシステムを変えようと動いています。Green Schoolの集まりで日本のリサイクルについて話してみたところみんな感心してくれました。そのためその案を軸に進めることになりこのプロジェクトのリーダーに任命されました。同時進行はとても大変ですが頑張ります。

二つ目はtrade fairです。Grow your ownで私たちはペストを作っていたり、まわりの種の袋をデザインしていたりします。私たちはすでに6つのペストポットを作っていますが、売るためにはもっと必要で毎週月曜日の授業でたくさん作っています。また先生が私たちのカンパニーのロゴマークを作ってほしいと私に依頼してくださったので張り切ってやらせていただきました。

三つ目はMulticultural Dayです。この学校は50の国籍を持つ生徒たちから成り立っています。そのためそれぞれの国の文化を祝い、多様性を深めようというイベントとなっています。私は装飾係のリーダーに任命されました。8人からなるこの係では大きい世界地図を作って、どこの国から何人この学校に来ているのかを表そうと計画しています。そのため今私たちは全校生徒に国籍を調査している最中です。私たちは素晴らしい装飾を作り、イベントがより華やかになることを目標に頑張っています。それと同時に私はIrish music clubに所属しているので、ここでもculture dayで演奏会を開こうと練習しています。私はTin Whistleというリコーダーに似た楽器を担当しています。しかし私は先生からソロでIrishの歌を歌わせていただく機会をいただきました。発音や歌詞の意味を教えていただきながらもっともっと励みたいです。

