
From New Zealand – Be eco-friendly – Report from New Plymouth GH

Miku Oshita updated her exchange report on her school life and what she thought from New Plymouth, New Zealand.

Hello! I’m Oshita Miku Oshita, an exchange student at New Plymouth Girls’ High School in New Zealand. I am going to update my report on my school life here.  More than a month has passed since I came to New Zealand and I have gotten used to living in New Zealand. There are also short periods of study abroad, but I feel that the time flows very quickly. In this report, I’ll tell you about what surprised me and what I did when I went to the ocean with my hostfamily.


I ate dinner outside for the first time this week. My host father was a chef and they made dinner at home every day, so I didn’t go out to eat. So it was my first time to eat dinner outside.  The reason I wanted to introduce this story is because I was surprised to see the straw.  The straw with the juice brought to the table was made of paper.  When I asked my hostfamily, they said, “New Zealand has abolished all plastic straws and plastic bags, and there are no more paper straws.”

Recently, the problem of plastic waste has become more serious and moves to abolish plastic waste, which has become increasingly widespread in Japan, but it is not yet completely abolished. It was also an event that I learned how late Japan was when I learned that New Zealand was completely abolished. When I used the paper straw, it was just as easy to use as plastic.

I’m going to talk about what I did when I went to the ocean last weekend with my hostother and hostsister.” As always, the sea in New Zealand was very clean and very healing.” To protect this beautiful sea, I felt that plastic straws should be abolished.

I have been studying abroad for about a month, but I want to keep trying everything without regret.

Thank you for reading my report!!

こんにちは。私はニュージーランドのNew Plymouth Girls’ High School に通っている大下 実来です。もうニュージーランドに来て1ヶ月以上が過ぎニュージーランドでの生活にも慣れました。留学期間が1 termということもありますが、月日が流れるのがとても早く感じます。今回のレポートでは、私が驚いた出来事と海に行ったことについてお話しします。

私は今週初めてdinnerを外で食べました。私のhostfamilyはシェフという事もあり、毎日家でdinnerを作ってくれるので外に食べに行くことはありませんでした。ですから、dinnerを外で食べるのは初めてでした。 私がなぜこの話を紹介しようと思ったかというと、ストローを見て驚いたからです。テーブルに運ばれてきたジュースに刺さっていたストローは紙製のものでした。hostfamilyに聞いてみると、「ニュージーランドではプラスチック製のストローとビニール袋は全て廃止され、もう紙製のストローしかないんだ」との事でした。




