
From New Zealand_Study Report on New Plymouth GHS_Oct.2016

We are more than happy and proud to introduce the following updated report on study abroad program in New Zealand.  Naoka Yoshizawa, who is now enrolling at New Plymouth Girls’ High School in New Zealand gives you her interesting episode on “Kiwi” life.  


Hello again there.  This is Naoka Yoshizawa from New Zealand.  How have you been doing?  I’m enjoying the school holidays.   School will start on the 10th of October.  I would like to talk about two things of kiwi life during these school holidays.


The first thing is the day before term 3 ended, I had an event called Fun Run.  It’s running, jogging or walking for 4km around the school. There is a lot of nature around the school, so I could enjoy walking for one hour.


Secondly, one of the female international students, who is from Taiwan, is staying at our house. She arrived in New Zealand three weeks ago,  so I taught about New Plymouth and studying abroad to her.  One day, I went to the house of another international girl called Anh and we cooked Okonomiyaki. Unfortunately, the taste was a little bit different because we don’t have the same ingredients as Japan, such as Tenkasu, but eventually it was good.  We added some flour, water, eggs, carrots, cabbage and spring onion then mixed it and fried them. I was so full… Amanda doesn’t like spring onion and she couldn’t eat much.  So I cooked some Okonomiyaki without spring onion for her the next day.


The other day, I went to the theatre with Amanda to watch a movie called “The secret life of PET”. The story is about the life of pet when the owner is out.  It was not only funny, but also moved my heart. You should go and watch if you have a pet!


Summer will be coming soon in New Plymouth, the opposite of Japan. The weather is getting warmer. The other day I went to the beach.  New Plymouth is located near the beach so I can go anytime!   The water was not too cold and feeling was so nice. My friends already swam!   It took 30 minutes to walk to the beach so it’s nice exercise for me! Actually, since I came here, I have gained so much weight because of stress and the difference of food culture. I need to lose my weight seriously…


School will start on the 10th of October. I’m excited to see my classmates and international friends!

Thank you for reading my report! See you next time


みなさん、こんにちは。吉澤直夏です。みなさんどうお過ごしですか?私は、今休暇中です。学校は、10月10日から始まります。私の休暇中のkiwi lifeを2つご紹介させていただきます。


1つ目は、ターム3が終わる前日の9月22日、Fun Runという学校の大きなイベントがありました。これは学校の周りの4㎞をランニングやウォーキングするというイベントです。学校の周りには自然が多くあり、私は約1時間かけウォーキングを楽しみました。




他の日にはアマンダと “The secret life of PET”という映画を観に行きました。飼い主がいない間のペットの暮らしぶりのアニメでした。とても面白く、時には感動させられる楽しい映画でした。ペットを飼っている方は観に行ってみて下さい!




