
St. Andrew’s Seminar 2015 – Day 5: A message from SACC vol. 1

On today's schedule, students will study with their buddies in the morning, and after lunch, they will study about Aboriginal Art in Mr. Norman's class.  I will report it tomorrow.  For today's blog, I will tell you the message from Ms. Sue Hulme, who is a very important person in this program and also works hard for the relationship between our school and SACC.





今日のプログラムは、午前中はバディと一緒に授業、午後はMr. NormanによるAboriginal Artの授業です。



このSt. Andrew's SeminarというプログラムはもちろんSt. Andrew's校の全てのスタッフ、教員の協力あってのものですが、


その一人がこちらのSue Hulme(スー・ヒューム)さんです。



朝生徒が登校してまず集合する場所、school entranceの教務棟受付にいつも座っている、






Hello, I am Sue Hulme, the International Groups Coordinator, thank you so much for allowing your daughter to spend some time with us here at St Andrew’s Catholic College.  I remember when the first group of Otsuma Nakano students arrived at the College 8 years ago and every year since then I have seen the relationship between the two schools grow better and stronger.  This year, weeks before the Otsuma Nakano student’s arrived, I had many St Andrew’s students coming into the office excitedly asking ‘How much longer before the Otsuma students arrive?’


On the first day that the Otsuma Nakano students are here, there are many smiling faces but when they depart there are so many tears!  They leave sad because they will miss the friendships that they have made during their time with us – and our students share these same emotions!


This year we are offering extra activities and interests for your students so they will have lots of stories to tell you when they return home.


Warm regards


Sue Hulme

