
From UK – Reflection on the exchange at The Spire Academy

Now the end of the term exchange program is near.  Very informative and impressive report from Honoka Moriyama about her reflection on the exchange student life there at The Spire Academy in Canterbury.

Hello, everyone. I’m Honoka Moriyama, an international exchange student studying in The Spire Academy in Canterbury, UK. Almost 7 weeks have passed since I came to England. It seems that time passed so quickly like a flash when I look back the number of the days I spent, but it is not so because I have been trying to do to anything to be fulfilled day by day.  In this final report of mine, I want to write about my two friends I played with after school.  I will reflect my exchange life by now.

I went to the downtown with my friends in Canterbury after school on Friday last week. There are many shops in the downtown.  It took us about twenty minutes to get there by bus from my school. Almost all of the shops there close at about five pm, so we can’t go around all the shops. It is lucky for me because my school ends at 2 pm every Friday.  I have two friends of mine who I am always with them in break time and lunch time at school.  Last Friday, we went to the Canterbury central and we ate sweets and we talked in the cafe. I talked about accessories and foods in the shop, I was happy because I could talk a lot more than usual. Then, we bought matching bracelets together. It has written “BFF” on it. This is my treasure forever. I am looking forward to going the town next week.

I will reflect my short-term exchange life consulting my diary for seven weeks.  During the first week, everything was first to me and I got a lot of motivation at the time. I remember that I hesitated to talk to  my host mother because she had a sharp tongue and I got lost around the bus stop, so I was very late for school. I often felt sad because of culture shock and I asked for the teacher because I couldn’t fit into students in school.

During the second week, I looked for some topics for the conversation with my friends every night. Then I tried to talk with someone everyday. Everyone can answer to me, but I didn’t understand what they said, so we could not talk a lot. I felt so ashamed because my speaking skill is low. I escaped from the reality with calling to Ayaka every day. I found some friends. They were always here with me and they talked with me in break time and lunch time. I used to take a class, and I felt improvement because I could make conversation with my friends. I found a favorite subject, and I was looking forward to talking in a class next time.

At the week 4th, I went to an international language school for a week of my school holiday.  One of my goal is to communicate with people around the world, so I’m happy to talk with students from many countries using English.  I think now that I want to make contact with my new friends from now on. I left school early one day during the week because I felt sick and I had the next day off.  But I went back to school for the rest three days. Everyone was worried about me, but I felt better by resting.

When I was in the week 6th and 7th, I could spend my days satisfied every day.  I could laugh because other people were laughing, but I didn’t know what to say before.  However, I can understand a little what to say, and I get to know why people are laughing now. Recently the boys of my class mates did funny thing and tricked me, and it was fun to talk with my friends, so I laughed a lot.  One day I said “I will go back to Japan in two weeks.” One of my friends said, “Don’t go back to Japan.”  I was happy to hear my new friends saying so.  I cannot express the words with overjoy.

I had felt worried, sad and frustrated before, then I felt happy and laughed in my 7th week.  There have been a lot of changes and I improved myself.  I am privileged to come to England to learn authentic English, so I would like to thank my family, some teachers, participants of Concorde , the teachers who are in charge of me in Spires Academy, my buddy, friends, host family. Then, I found myself to make communication with British, Italian, French, Spaniard, Filipino, Turkish, Armenian, Thai, Korean, and Chinese students. There are from ten countries. I am glad that I am here. I keep this experience carefully in my heart.  After going back to Japan, I will rest my body for a week and I will try harder in my school life to mature myself from an opening ceremony for another new school year.

I still have two weeks. I want to make some more good memories in two weeks. Thank you for reading my final report.


私は先週の金曜日の放課後に友達とカンタベリーにあるダウンタウンに遊びに行きました。沢山のお店が並んであり、学校からバスで20分ほどです。大体お店は夕方の5時半頃に閉まってしまうのでなかなか回れないですが、金曜日はSpires Academyは2時に終わるのでとてもラッキーです。その友達とは休み時間と昼休みを一緒に過ごしています。スイーツを食べに行ったり、カフェでお話したりしました。ショップの中にいるとそのアクセサリーについての話だったり、食べ物についての話ができたので、いつもより話せて嬉しかったです。そして私達はお揃いのブレスレットを買いました。そこにはBFFと書かれてあります。それは私の永遠の宝物です。来週も遊ぶのでとても楽しみです。






この7週間で、悩んだり悲しんだり悔しんだりしたと同時に、笑ったり喜んだりして沢山の変化があり、そして成長しました。イギリスに来て本場の英語を学ぶ機会を与えて下さった、家族、学校の先生方、コンコルドの関係者方々、Spires Academyで私のことを担当してくれた先生、バディ、友達、ホストファミリーに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。そして私はこの7週間で、イギリス、イタリア、フランス、スペイン、フィリピン、トルコ、アルメニア、タイ、韓国、中国の10ヶ国もの生徒達とコミニュケーションをとってきたことに気がつきました。本当にここに来てよかったです。この経験を大切に心にしまって日本に帰国したら、1週間体を休めて始業式から改めて1回り成長した私で学校生活を頑張ろうと思います。といってもまだ2週間あるので、大切な思い出を作っていきたいです。私の最後のレポートを読んで下さりありがとうございました。
