
From Laos~メコン川のほとりから~ラオス通信第9号_the Final

Now it's our great pleasure to share with you, readers all, the final journal of  "Newsletter from Laos".   This final report tells you the reflection of her activities and what she has benefited from them in Laos.  Otsuma Nakano would like to experss our sincere thanks to you all for reading the reports and wish you to have interest in Laos and Otsuma Nakano.   Once again, millions of thanks to you for your being with us on this site page.


いよいよラオス通信「From Laos ~メコン川のほとりから~」、最終号となりました。最終号では、これまで1年9ヶ月のラオスでの活動を振り返り、その成果が報告されています。このレポートを機に、このブログを読んでくださっている方々が、少しでもラオスに関心を持ってもらうこと、そして大妻中野に関心を持ってもらえれば幸いです。ありがとうございました。 

Please click the following, which is the final report.


Laos 通信_メコン川のほとりから_第9号_Final


ラオス通信は、本校数学科・小浦あす貴教諭によるラオスでの活動の紹介です。 小浦教諭は、2016年6月から、JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)の組織「青年海外協力隊」に参加し、ラオスで現地の子ども、学生たちへの教育活動で活躍しています。

We would like to introduce this special notes from Laos by one of the staff at Otsuma Nakano, Asuki Koura, a math teacher, who is currently particiapting in JICA volunteer working program in Laos.  Since June, 2016, she has been making committment to the education for local students there.  She said, " I am here because I would like to believe in my own eyes to take a look at what "global" is like.  Also I am sure that my first hand experience in this country far from Japan would really tell what global understanding means to be."  It would be great if you could click the followings and share the photos.

