
This is America!! – Vol.7

Saturday, August 1st,


It’s beautiful weather with bright sunshine and cool air.  It’s a perfect day for ocean experience


Today, we went to Project Oceanology and Ocean Beat State Park, Atlantic Ocean.  Project Oceanology, which is organized by University of Connecticut, is the project to learn about marine science and biology through real ocean cruise with a small research vessel.


We got on this vessel and had a special lecture on what the ocean is like recently and what kind of fish and marine creatures living there.  Actually people who joined this project made some kinds of quick researches about the ocean.  This vessel is something like a small fish boat, so it kept pitching and rolling throughout the cruise.  This is real marine experience.  In the end of the project, we learned how important it is that we keep on studying what is going on about our environment.


In the afternoon, we visited Ocean Beach State Park in New London.  This is the beach on the Atlantic Ocean.  There are so beautiful sand and beach around.  And what impressed us most is real diversity here.  So many people with different skin colors, shapes, languages and costumes are peacefully enjoying sunbathing and swimming.  Nobody minds each difference.  Diversity and difference don’t matter at all. Yes, this is real America.






午後は、ニューロンドンにある大西洋を望むビーチへ。とてもきれいな砂とビーチが続きます。たくさんの人が集っていますが、その人たちの多様性に驚きます。肌の色、体型、コスチューム、そして言語も実にさまざま。でもこれに驚いてはいけないんですね。誰も、お互いの違いを気にする人はいません。実に自然です。ダイバーシティ? So what? それが社会の前提です。
