
ターム留学レポート⑤_From St. Andrew’s

オーストラリア姉妹校、セントアンドリュースカレッジへ留学中の雨宮 衣里さんからも留学レポートが届きました。ケアンズは世界自然遺産グレートバリアリーフへのゲートです。圧倒的で豊かな自然とどこまでもフレンドリーな人々。「自然と共生する」、「多文化と共生する」、留学はその生活そのものが学びです。


St. Andrew’s 留学レポート (29th February to 15th March, 2015)  Eri Amemiya


I can't believe that I have only 3weeks more!


I am feeling more that I don’t want to miss all of my Australian friends.  I like Australian people because they are very friendly.  They always say “Hi!” to each other when they meet anywhere. At school, students speak to me in Japanese they are now learning when I walk around the middle school area.  I was concerned about making friends when I came here first, but now I have many friends who are from different grades!


This report is about my school buddy and friends and host family. My first friend in Australia is my school buddy.  At St. Andrew’s I belong to the same class as by school buddy, which means I am studying the same subjects.  Thanks to her, I can get in touch with all of my class. They take me to someone’s birthday party and we all eat huge cakes in the morning.  They are so kind to me.  When I can’t understand what they are saying, they always explain to me using other words for me.


I spend wonderful days with them. I love my school buddy and friends and host family!  From now on I would like to have wonderful time with my school buddies in Australia.





帰国の日が近づくにつれて、「みんなと別れたくない!」という思いが強くなってきています。 オーストラリアの人たちはみんなフレンドリーで、道ですれ違っただけでも話したりします。St. Andrews では、私がmiddle school の敷地を歩いていると、習ったばかりの日本語で元気に話しかけてくれます。最初の頃は友達ができるか不安でしたが、今では学年を越えての友達もいます。







